aaaaand i've got $706 in my pocket right now, waiting for me to go to the body shop tomorrow to pick up my car. it took freakin' long enough. i guess it was partially my fault for not being agressive enough, hm, guess i shouldn't be a businessman, hehe.
i've had a couple bad dreams about them f'ing up the repairs. one involved a replacement hatchback from a pontiac that said "PONTIAC" clearly on the trunk (a Mitsubishi Pontiac... no, that won't fly) and a really ricey spoiler with weird looking euro light things in the middle of it, i dunno wtf that was about. but yeah.
anyway, hopefully they don't try to charge me for storage since it was finished like, tuesday and tomorrow's saturday. then i'll have to get agressive... grr! whatever.
i've had a couple bad dreams about them f'ing up the repairs. one involved a replacement hatchback from a pontiac that said "PONTIAC" clearly on the trunk (a Mitsubishi Pontiac... no, that won't fly) and a really ricey spoiler with weird looking euro light things in the middle of it, i dunno wtf that was about. but yeah.
anyway, hopefully they don't try to charge me for storage since it was finished like, tuesday and tomorrow's saturday. then i'll have to get agressive... grr! whatever.

sucks how overdependant we are on having to need a car.
do anything fun for st.paddys?
another wonderful exuse for an insane amount of drinking