here's a picture of me, not like you asked for it... i just figured i would because its not often i take a photo of myself. i'm not too keen on the whole self-image thing, plus i dont like looking at myself. i try to avoid mirrors as much as possible. i'm not sure if thats a bad thing or a normal thing, but its been going on for a while.
i've been looking around a lot and noticing a lot of philosophical thoughts being made and whatnot about different things, and i think about how i want things to be philosophical about, but nothing seems to interest me right now. the only people i talk to are the people i'm living with, and really only tehpeanut... for everyone else's sake i hope that changes pretty soon, hehe.
i'm in the market for two new favorite SG's, any takers?

testing... testing... is this thing on? play it again, sam. i want to hear how it ends...