so here are some updates from the battlefront. we went to my house on Friday and i came out with some pictures.
that's my house before we went in it, the window/wall used to be a garage door but was converted into a music/movie room by my dad some decades ago.
this is my car in front of the house. my mother's car moved down the stree about 3 blocks and landed in front of someone elses house.
this is the side of the house. there used to be a fence there, even the concrete piece holding it together is now in pieces. you can see the fence behind the house now.
this is a view from the backdoor of my house. we couldn't get the front door open and the other half of the group i was with decided to go through the window in the front. i wasn't about to go in there with my camera.
that's a closeup of the sofa that used to be facing the other way with its back against the wall that's also in the picture. this is as far in as the pictures i took go, like i said, i wasn't about to get my camera in that muck.
here's me and tehpeanut after a couple hours in the house. we went back in for a little while then walked to her house to check out the damage there.
all the stuff on the ground is stuff we took out through that window right in front. there was really no way to get other things out because there was about a foot and a half of shitmud inside the house. the ceiling caved in and the walls were soft as cotton.
i pulled 145 movies out of my room, no books, and one picture. i dont know if i'll ever see that house again.

that's my house before we went in it, the window/wall used to be a garage door but was converted into a music/movie room by my dad some decades ago.

this is my car in front of the house. my mother's car moved down the stree about 3 blocks and landed in front of someone elses house.

this is the side of the house. there used to be a fence there, even the concrete piece holding it together is now in pieces. you can see the fence behind the house now.

this is a view from the backdoor of my house. we couldn't get the front door open and the other half of the group i was with decided to go through the window in the front. i wasn't about to go in there with my camera.

that's a closeup of the sofa that used to be facing the other way with its back against the wall that's also in the picture. this is as far in as the pictures i took go, like i said, i wasn't about to get my camera in that muck.

here's me and tehpeanut after a couple hours in the house. we went back in for a little while then walked to her house to check out the damage there.

all the stuff on the ground is stuff we took out through that window right in front. there was really no way to get other things out because there was about a foot and a half of shitmud inside the house. the ceiling caved in and the walls were soft as cotton.
i pulled 145 movies out of my room, no books, and one picture. i dont know if i'll ever see that house again.
I can't even imagine. That's so much to deal with.
condolences maestro.