First of all, I work with children. Great children who need different levels of care depending on what their mental and physical state is. I work in a program that was created to give the parents a break from such hardship which is why it i called Respite. So, since the summer I was promoted to a supervisor postion, Cabin Leader which basically means that I supervise a one cabin that has X amount of kids and staff. Respite runs on the children's school holidays so because its winter break, we were at the camp site (where it runs) for 4.5 days this time around. I am still learning on how to do better at this postion. Each time I go up to work, if its not one thing its the other. Dealing with children who are mentally delayed can be pretty stressful depending on exactly who you are dealing with and for how long. In this instance, 4.5 days feels like a full week and not only do I have to deal with that but the staff as well who are equally exhausted if not more.
This leads me to my boss. He is a wonderful boss that I look up to when it comes to the ability to run a program that is EXTREMELY stressful and still able to delegate properly and to make staff laugh as well. But there were a few things he said/done that I feel werent correct. 1) at night time while regular staff and kids are sleeping, there is a night staff who stays up at night to make sure that kids who cant sleep or are having issues at night can be taken care of while the regular staff get their sleep in order to handle the next day. The guy in my cabin who is night staff has another job which starts really early so instead of working from 10pm-8am he works from 10pm and leaves around 6 am for his other job. Now that has always been a pain but due to an incident where a child was awake and no one was awake to watch him my boss told me that I now have to choose a staff member to wake up when the night staff leave causing my reg staff to lose 2 hours of needed sleep. I felt that was a poor choice because one of the job rules is that we get a certain amount of hours of sleep so thats not fair. Because I didnt want to do that to my staff I've been the one who woke up at 6:20 am and stayed awake until then. 2) while ive been getting good reviews from her every respite and telling me how I am getting better at this new position, he sent in a "veteran" who use to be a cabin leader in my vary cabin but stopped working due to him finding another job that conflicted. So he asked him to work for the week and he was available so he worked under my supervision which was cool and all and Im glad because then I could then ask him for suggestions and help when the time came. Now comes where I am upset about what my boss did. The "veteran" told me he was asked to come up to work for the week to "fix things" in the cabin. That hurt me, because I wouldve liked to be told that he was brought in to help me or to fix how I run things cause I do constantly fck up. But it felt undermining to know that he was asked to come up and then told that without telling me...
Those were the main things that really bothered me this time around at work. It gave me the question will I get better at this? and am I qualified for a leadership position on this scale. Ive done small ones no problem in the past so I dont know.