Waking up well into the afternoon as usual, i found a voicemail on my phone...from my ex. I dont understand why she feels the need to pop in and out of my life. Especially the way she treated me. First she wishes me a happy new years. I obviously did not return the favor as I made it my mission to not acknowledge her. Then today she leaves a 3 min voicemail explaining how she still cares about me, thinks about me, worries about me, and even dreams about me. Mind you she has a boyfriend (use to be a close friend of mine). I am in a good place right now, surrounded by family, good friends and positive vibes all around. I listened to the voicemail and then thats it. Not going to talk to her at all. Ignoring for the rest of my life.
I would keep on ignoring her, don't let her in at all. Block her from every part of your life. It sounds like you're doing well without her :)
Thank you @britishdoll I'm doing much better than I was when we first broke up. Soon I'll be 100% happy with out her