today i'm linking a couple. Sas and Colin Christian. Sas does acrylic or oil on board and Colin does fiberglass sculpture. this is more lowbrow than pop surreal, but it's still great stuff.
the first image is by Sas Christian
that expression on her face just gets me.
this next two are by Colin Christian. fiberglass and auto paint (no kidding). he also has a series he calls "snack cake" which are fiberglass and silicone rubber (for the fleshy bits) girl heads. they are 3D and mount on the wall. about 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide. both Colin and Sas do "big eyed" girls. marvelous stuff. check out "Nuff Said" by Sas. the girl in this pic has something tattooed inside her lower lip.
oh fair warning. if you have kiddos when you are cruising these sites be aware that Colin's girls are anatomically correct.

Bondage Suki
SnackCake Cthulhu Head
click on any image for a link to their site.
the first image is by Sas Christian

that expression on her face just gets me.
this next two are by Colin Christian. fiberglass and auto paint (no kidding). he also has a series he calls "snack cake" which are fiberglass and silicone rubber (for the fleshy bits) girl heads. they are 3D and mount on the wall. about 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide. both Colin and Sas do "big eyed" girls. marvelous stuff. check out "Nuff Said" by Sas. the girl in this pic has something tattooed inside her lower lip.
oh fair warning. if you have kiddos when you are cruising these sites be aware that Colin's girls are anatomically correct.

Bondage Suki
SnackCake Cthulhu Head
click on any image for a link to their site.

Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my set sweetness. x x
Thankyou for taking the time to comment on my set!