entries for a while. been distracted amongst other things. i'm sitting in an empty room way too early or way too late. i guess that's your call. i'm not high like usual and i'm finding my thoughts to be rather unclouded and normal for once. still wish i had some weed with me though. i'm a slave to the things i like. wonder why? oh yeah who likes being sober anyway, having a numbing haze over things makes things not easier just less irritable. less harsh...i want to be some place warm. this goddamn ohio weather. who likes the sleet and wierd coldness. not me. there's a dusting of snow on my car outside. almost beautiful, almost. i just know it's cold out there and seeing the white stuff only reminds me. i crave heat and the beating sun. a warm place. a place for me to be. just one place of hope. ackk..i also will inform you that i have no voice. i was a bit sultry for a minute with this raspy voice. but now words are barely forming and i struggle to make sense. life eh.

and it doesnt just make things less irritable, it makes things more amusing