dododododoodo..i'm bored. waitng to go to work. i'm kind of hungry, but i can't really tell...i'm anxious to see my nudie pics. i'll let everyone know how they turned out. probably a couple more days though... now that i graduated i don't get email, so my incessant checking of it, cause i'm bored, just seems futile. all i do is delete the porn that's sent to me everyday...just my thoughts , wasting time. perhaps i'll smoke a couple bowls before work. that sounds like a plan. i like my head to be hazy. i hate packing bowls, it takes a lot out of me
check ya later
check ya later
Smoking a couple bowls sounds glass piece has been so lonely..maybe we can make it happy sometime.
so, you're my new friend. i feel like i should get to know you a bit since you're on my profile. i'm in the middle of moving but i'll start harassing your journal in a day or so. take care.