So I watched "Hero" and "Napoleon Dynamite" the past couple of days. I have to say I really enjoyed the movie "Hero". It was shot very well with beautiful scenery. Plus I was very happy with the plot line.
"Napoleon Dynamite" on the other hand was okay. It had some funny moments but I found it to be a little dry and it did not draw me in so much. I did enjoy the cow scene it was like, what the fuck man?
Life has been kinda crappy the past few days. Work has sucked. We have been short 1 nurse every day and I have had to take like 7 patients in the ER plus try and run things since we have no charge nurse. Do I get thanks or a little bump in pay, no. Well screw that. When I go back on Saturday if this same shit happens I am gonna raise some hell. But I still love what I do.
The girlfriend and I have been able to see eachother twice in like 4 days. It must be a new record. Usually its like once a week. To me this blows, but then again I think we are too different at times and its hard to keep up with her changing persona. Like one month shes all melancholy and not with it. The next shes doing a hundred different things of randomness and impulsivity because she needs some new fix until she gets bored. I fear that is what will happen to me if I don't keep find ways of reinventing myself. Eh, shes a nice girl though and pretty
"Napoleon Dynamite" on the other hand was okay. It had some funny moments but I found it to be a little dry and it did not draw me in so much. I did enjoy the cow scene it was like, what the fuck man?
Life has been kinda crappy the past few days. Work has sucked. We have been short 1 nurse every day and I have had to take like 7 patients in the ER plus try and run things since we have no charge nurse. Do I get thanks or a little bump in pay, no. Well screw that. When I go back on Saturday if this same shit happens I am gonna raise some hell. But I still love what I do.
The girlfriend and I have been able to see eachother twice in like 4 days. It must be a new record. Usually its like once a week. To me this blows, but then again I think we are too different at times and its hard to keep up with her changing persona. Like one month shes all melancholy and not with it. The next shes doing a hundred different things of randomness and impulsivity because she needs some new fix until she gets bored. I fear that is what will happen to me if I don't keep find ways of reinventing myself. Eh, shes a nice girl though and pretty

[Edited on Jan 07, 2005 10:55AM]