Ihave two different thoughts that are possibly one about Ex Machina being a movie telling me why Satan would want me to be still alive and why he did what he did.
And why I'm injured.
Bionics are the future of mankind. I discovered this when I found a nanobot in my mouth the size of a pin needle tip. It was cylindrical with a brass backing, and certainly projecting a kind of voice/acidvibe. The acid vibe was palpable. The cops came in the next week and took the nanobot, as well as my apartment keys. And came back the next week with Satan SATAN! He's the Devil! I met him and he initiated me into the OTO, I thought I was going to die. And then six months later I was attacked with brass knuckles. But left certainly alive. It was strange. It was the same day as my movie script like Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut meets AI and he was killed the day he turned in his final edit of Eyes Wide Shut. Okay? So this "Wide Open" Chemical Brothers video has the Ex Machina robots and I feel like Stanley Kubrick's ghost is trying to speak through the lenses. The director of Ex Machina was inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey, and a lot of the movie has to do with sex conditioning, much like Eyes Wide Shut and A/i do, if you read into it. A/i is about the sex conditioned child, this is why he was removed from life for the picture, because it implied the administrating parties of this nation in child sex conditioning. And they couldn't have that. My film implicates them for that, and got Hilary Clinton investigated.
Okay. So? Why?
They did this to produce a bionic sex machine out of me. I felt like the amount of blood they took out of me years ago might have something to do with cloning, but I can imagine stem cells being produced that might one day conjoin or more possibly be used to create bionic A/i, considering my IQ is so high and health so well. I feel like that nanobot may be in part some kind of A/i project, using my brain possibly rewiring it for various higher level government purposes. The nanobot I realized actually did produce some sexual kinds of pleasures that were much like Acid. Permanently though. And sometimes I would notice the front of my brain frying, or feeling like it, like when you take too much acid or want to come down. In Johnny Mnemonic with Keanu Reeves, the same thing happens to him. And it's a sex technology robot. This stuff has been in production for a long time I'm guessing. And with the recent development of sex robots as literally existing, the possibility becomes solid that I may be redesigned as some kind of robot for the future civilization that will be mostly robotic. I may be bred for war. The breeding and conditioning of solidiers is the same as prostitutes, when it comes down to it. I feel actually that is more likely. and not for any immediate war either, but perhaps some future war involving time traveling and psychic powers. Bionics hooked up to my brain. Even moreso, as a physical necessity. Which makes me feel fucking awesome. Robocop. Something like that.