Drama lama is so funny. I bet people laugh at the things I do too... I also wonder what the world would be like without phones/internet.
there'd be alot more yelling/driving
I want a girl with a Sailor Neptune Cosplay!! To match my lame Sailor Uranus outfit... smile It would be so much fun to do a photo shot.

I wonder what responses I would get on a first date.. Do you have a Sailor Neptune outfit to match my Sailor Uranus Crossplay.... Its kinda a deal breaker tongue.... but not really....

Actually I got a few...
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I watched Princess Jellyfish. Its good, I will probably end up writing a review for kicks and gigles...

I'd like to read it. I hope you'll also post some comments about the manga you mentioned, With the Light: Raising an Autistic Child.

I glanced at your older blogs since this one was so short. I also wish people had a better work ethic, and more intellectual honesty in general.
Recovering from surgery. Its no fun. I was hoping to spend some time playing games, but I have just been sleeping and watching tv/anime/

I should probably go back to sleep...

Princess Jellyfish. I love this anime, I just saw a few episodes and need to watch the whole series.

I am trying to get in the habit of drawing or taking a random picture everyday, but it hasn't worked out yet...
ha! that's funny.
I think the best part of this site is the groups, and going through peoples favorites. I like looking at the older pictures.

I need to learn the styling difference. Its easy to see, but hard to put into words. I also want to understand why people like what they like. But I don't think I will ever be good at reading/understanding people.
I just bought myself some Christmas presents....
I purchased a game at Gamestop and was surprised. It was slighty busy when I came in, but I got better than expected customer service.

I use to always shop at Gamestop unless I wanted a Playstation 1 game. Looks like I am going to start doing that again. The Gamestop actually had really competitive deals too, but...
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Thanx for your comment on my set "Mans Ruin" smile
Thank you!