I watched Princess Jellyfish. Its good, I will probably end up writing a review for kicks and gigles...

I'd like to read it. I hope you'll also post some comments about the manga you mentioned, With the Light: Raising an Autistic Child.

I glanced at your older blogs since this one was so short. I also wish people had a better work ethic, and more intellectual honesty in general.
Recovering from surgery. Its no fun. I was hoping to spend some time playing games, but I have just been sleeping and watching tv/anime/

I should probably go back to sleep...

Princess Jellyfish. I love this anime, I just saw a few episodes and need to watch the whole series.

I am trying to get in the habit of drawing or taking a random picture everyday, but it hasn't worked out yet...
ha! that's funny.
I think the best part of this site is the groups, and going through peoples favorites. I like looking at the older pictures.

I need to learn the styling difference. Its easy to see, but hard to put into words. I also want to understand why people like what they like. But I don't think I will ever be good at reading/understanding people.
I just bought myself some Christmas presents....
I purchased a game at Gamestop and was surprised. It was slighty busy when I came in, but I got better than expected customer service.

I use to always shop at Gamestop unless I wanted a Playstation 1 game. Looks like I am going to start doing that again. The Gamestop actually had really competitive deals too, but...
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Thanx for your comment on my set "Mans Ruin" smile
Thank you!
Happy Holidays, Christmas, and all that jazz!! To everyone on the friends list, and anyone else...

I hope you have fun doing activities that you enjoy <3
I hope to have some fun dancing, and maybe catch a play.

I need to get back into yoga. Holiday season is so stressful...
I do have a few fun things to look forward too. I plan on seeing a musical near the end of December, very excited!

always look on the bright side of life, might be my favorite song right now.


this is so bad...... but its so funny......
CEO's, Politicians, well to do rich people, sing this song:

the general populace of the world sings this song

So that's probably not entirely true, but it sure does seem like its true.
thank you for the comment on my new set "dangerous summer" in member review!
hello! thank you very much for all the support, love and comment on my new set Spring.. hugskiss