Tupac would've killed Socrates with his KNIFE

Lately, life has been throwing me an unfair amount of curveballs. I find myself mired with self-doubt, hounded by uncertainty. Times like these call for a higher voice. No, not Jesus, that dude's a pussy and I hear he LARPS (lol). I'm talking about the voice of our TIMES. The word that has carried a new generation into...
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I like to look to the voice of political leaders when i am feeling confused or down on my luck.

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." President George

This really helped me get through a point in my life where i felt i had no purpose. Now I have a plan.....he
he he


Oh and LL Cool Jay really helps me through hard times also...
Eggy-weggy, oh so bright!! Eggy weggy....FFUCK YOU SATAN!! I EAT YOUR TUNA!! sIZE SIX MY ASS!!
The restraunt business is awfully fun. During the short time I've worked at Zachary's, I've met some pretty cool people. The managers are extremely cool, they can take their job seriously while still remaining laid-back and comforting.

And comfort was what I needed on my first shift. People take pizza way too seriously. Yeah, people get hungry, and when people get hungry they often get...
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I just finished Ico. What a nice experience! It was like an interactive impressionist fresca.

Haha.. impressionist fresca.
Inignot: Our god is a god of vengeance. A god of hate.
Err: A god of action.
Inignot: Our god is an Indian who can turn into a wolf and...
Err: Dude, that's Wolfen.
Inignot: Yes, well Wolfen will come after you, with his razor.
i had a dream and you were in it.
come on AIM right nowwwwwwwwwwwww.
i miss you. lots.

happy 2005
update. smile

[Edited on Jan 09, 2005 1:31PM]
Extending myself, being friendly, acting engaging, and all the other habits of a socially healthy member of our fair community are beginning to tire me.

I'm losing the energy to both try and care. In addition, waiting for someone to come to you is booth a gloomy and often-times uneventful situation.

I am in a bad mood. Lonely and discontent, which is not an uncommon...
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can't hear music because you weep to loudly? intresting
elvis? is that you?
After years of abstaining from all forms of reality television (I even refuse to watch that terrible animated one on comedy central) my resolve has faltered.

I was too weak to resist the urge to watch five-...FIVE straight episodes of Battle for Ozzfest last night.

It's all so predictable. Watching Sharon Osbourne act dignified and holier-than-thou makes me want to wretch. You have all your...
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What makes a good day just that?

Why, a new Mary set of course.
I think I just committed academic suicide. Who the hell turns in their final essay to a teacher who has twenty-four hours left to live? Me, that's who. My philosophy teacher needs her spine restructured. That woman is a fucking genius, and it might all end for her tomorrow.

And I have the gall to e-mail her some piece of crap speculation on Immanuel Kant's...
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haha. yes.
bitche$ get paid. wink

lalalove you.
call me sometime.

kiss x a million
shojo returns
"Maybe it's a sign!" she breathes excitedly into her cellular phone.

I can imagine her chest heaving with excitement.

"Maybe God is sending you a sign!"

I try my best to sound indignant. Religion? Me? How dare you even suggest such an idea. But condescending to her is difficult. I am a fragile thing dangling between her fingertips.
Interesting.... I agree with you on the religion aspect of this mini-story.

cute new picture.

i misssssss youuuuuuuuuuuu!
I love LiveJournal. There, I said it. I love Livejournal.

omg today brad passed me a note in gemoatry (which im totally failing lol) it said "u r fat and you have aids".

i was like "WTF!???!" but he is right i am fat and nobody loves me

Mood: Depressed
Current Music: AFI-We Love To Cry So Very Much"

And then they always have comment...
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