I love LiveJournal. There, I said it. I love Livejournal.
omg today brad passed me a note in gemoatry (which im totally failing lol) it said "u r fat and you have aids".
i was like "WTF!???!" but he is right i am fat and nobody loves me
Mood: Depressed
Current Music: AFI-We Love To Cry So Very Much"
And then they always have comment tags along the lines of:
"3 fallen angels have torn my soul/brand a poem into my flesh"
omg today brad passed me a note in gemoatry (which im totally failing lol) it said "u r fat and you have aids".
i was like "WTF!???!" but he is right i am fat and nobody loves me
Mood: Depressed
Current Music: AFI-We Love To Cry So Very Much"
And then they always have comment tags along the lines of:
"3 fallen angels have torn my soul/brand a poem into my flesh"