I just had the best drunk call ever. Not for myself calling, but for someone else to call me.
I should be in bed, but I am up watching movies, drinking after work and about to go to bed (it was a long work week) and the phone rang. It was someone trying to sell me a vecation for a weekend at some hotel that I stayed at 8 months ago.
At the get go, I led the person on. You know, I was asking questions back at them, being all into it. It was fun. They wast my time, why can't I do the same? I had the guy on the line for a good 10 minutes.
I bet I could have wasted even more of his time if I had asked the right questiions.
I should be in bed, but I am up watching movies, drinking after work and about to go to bed (it was a long work week) and the phone rang. It was someone trying to sell me a vecation for a weekend at some hotel that I stayed at 8 months ago.
At the get go, I led the person on. You know, I was asking questions back at them, being all into it. It was fun. They wast my time, why can't I do the same? I had the guy on the line for a good 10 minutes.
I bet I could have wasted even more of his time if I had asked the right questiions.