well, I got my iPod charger fully replaced now. I got a new wired remote & headphones last week. got the dock /firewire cable on Monday (so at least I could update songs and charge off the computers power through firewire). and I just got the actual firewire-power adapter today. so thats done.
I also got Zelda: Minish Cap (OMFG adictive and fun). for some reason Ive been on a Zelda kick as of late. I played the original and I played the shit out of Links Awakening (The one where youre on an island and it all turns out to be the dream of some wind fish) Im currently also playing Ocarina of Time on my N64 emulator. so thos e are great.
I got a GBA:SP Mega-Pack (GameStop brand) as well today. Screen Mag, hand grip-thing, joystick cover, GBA<->GBA Cable, Headphone adapter, Headphones, Car Adapter, Carrying Case & Docking cradle. I mainly got it for the headphone adapter, Case & Docking cradle and that also because I thought the docking cradle was wired. nope, they expect that you have the charger that came with the GBA:SP since there is just a plug for you to plug it into. I DONT have that cable, so now I hafta find a replacement power cable...
oi vei
anywho I made cookies for my Friend Tiffany today. Her brother passed away a while ago and shes still feeling it so I told her she needs a cookie. it made her laugh, so I decided I would make her cookies. I went out and got supplies, Maggie gave me a few supplies and her cookbook, and I made em from scratch (with some help from Maggie, since she mixed a few things while I was out at the store
) they came out really good. I had more than enough so half went to Tiff and the other half wen to The Suite. I tried to surprise Tiff but she ended up coming to the store with Scott and I and caught me in the dairy isle and she figured it out from there (or so she says). but either way she was very excited to receive cookies and I feel like I accomplished something really good today
they went fast (the ones in the suite... Tiff is gonna take her time with em I assume). I got a lot of compliments from Mike, Lelei & Tiff so they couldnt have been all that bad
especially since Mike ate most of the ones I gave to the suite.
Wow, look at the time. Its getting late and I need to get up early for a Euphonium lesson tomorrow. maybe Ill update more later. Ive been in a really up-mood as of late, so, well see where that takes me
I also got Zelda: Minish Cap (OMFG adictive and fun). for some reason Ive been on a Zelda kick as of late. I played the original and I played the shit out of Links Awakening (The one where youre on an island and it all turns out to be the dream of some wind fish) Im currently also playing Ocarina of Time on my N64 emulator. so thos e are great.
I got a GBA:SP Mega-Pack (GameStop brand) as well today. Screen Mag, hand grip-thing, joystick cover, GBA<->GBA Cable, Headphone adapter, Headphones, Car Adapter, Carrying Case & Docking cradle. I mainly got it for the headphone adapter, Case & Docking cradle and that also because I thought the docking cradle was wired. nope, they expect that you have the charger that came with the GBA:SP since there is just a plug for you to plug it into. I DONT have that cable, so now I hafta find a replacement power cable...

anywho I made cookies for my Friend Tiffany today. Her brother passed away a while ago and shes still feeling it so I told her she needs a cookie. it made her laugh, so I decided I would make her cookies. I went out and got supplies, Maggie gave me a few supplies and her cookbook, and I made em from scratch (with some help from Maggie, since she mixed a few things while I was out at the store

they went fast (the ones in the suite... Tiff is gonna take her time with em I assume). I got a lot of compliments from Mike, Lelei & Tiff so they couldnt have been all that bad

Wow, look at the time. Its getting late and I need to get up early for a Euphonium lesson tomorrow. maybe Ill update more later. Ive been in a really up-mood as of late, so, well see where that takes me

My friend Amy made me dinner (baked ziti) and oatmeal raisin cookies when my sister passed away. And it actually helped.
It's good to have good friends