Oh I need updating! Goodness Christ!
Okay well, where did we leave off? Thursday?! JESUS, it's almost Thursday again. Here have been my last few days
Thursday, sat around in the sun alllll day, worked 6-10, my first shift, went very well. Came home, slept
Friday, sat in the sun until about 4, hung out and smoked up. At 7, went to Kat's house for...
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stumbled upon your journal, figured i'd leave some sort of comment rather than just dissappearing into boredom once again... wink
Hey lady...

on those rolls of film I got developed were some pictures of my bathroom before I tore up the floor, put in a new sink and faucet, and painted the cupboards. I almost forgot how ugly the floor was. I painted the walls a colour I thought was a really faint green (I believe "irish creme"), but it is amazing once you paint the whole expanse how green green is...

I am contemplating buying some photo albums and organize the big box of old photos sitting in the closet. We'll see how early it awaken in the morn...

Au bientot!
I'll be pulling a list of ten parts of my life and maybe something to ask, I'll give you get another bi-daily look into my life.
Journalling is wonderful! Here goes:
1) Had an amazing acomplished couple of days, including chores, job searching, and emotional healing.
2) Took my regular U out of my labret, switched for a flatback, got home, changed it back....It's odd,...
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hey lady...

...to answer both questions:

1) I actually read your questions at the end of your journal first, and then perused your entry. I was initially intrigued by your shorn locks--as I have started trimming off my hair the last year and a half.

2) My path to you:
From this thread, I went to endlessben's journal, and saw a comment by audioofambor. I noticed your member name in her friends list, which reminded me of Shayna420, whose pictures in her folder and the hopeful group intrigued me. So I clicked on shnanna, and like a typical male looked through your picture folder, skipped over your journal entry and then decided to try and answer your questions.

My questions:
1) what soccer teams do you cheer for?
2) what are you doing with the bathroom once all the wallpaper and the offending goop is removed?

you're perty
I feel acomplished. I did laundry, scrubbed every cerface in the bathrooms, did dishes, finished framing all my pictures and finished the collage I've been working on for the cover of my journal. Sweet release.
Gunna try and see if my parents want to go rent a movie, I'm craving seeing 'The Lathe of Heaven' again. Brings back memories of Paddy. And I can't seem...
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yeah, but at least the sun is more or less out again. and i think this warm weather is here to stay. (did i just jinx us?)

good luck on your trip next week.
oh fuck. blush
Teeth and tongue,
Leave me breatheless
Leave me
In a state of shock
Can we return
Once more to the place
We fell
For one another
We fell to the rocks below
We flew
But you broke my wings
And made
Me fly anyways

That look creeps
Over your face again
The one that makes
Me scream
It's good yet I want to
Turn away....
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hi dont mind me somewhere out there, there is a village with out a idiot and i am he. sorry i'm just out playing in internet traffic, and i ran across your profile so i had to stop and say hi. 2 things one nice poem, 2 you have the most amazing eyes i have ever seen. ok now i'm off to annoy others with my insane ramblings have a nice day smile
apologizing is what i do see i figure for every mistake made by my self or others i keep as company, i have to apologize twice as much, besides which is really better to be safe or to be sorry?
I have a thousand thoughts that want to pour forward, forward out of my fingertips. It's impossible to consentrate on just one. I need to still my head and just contemplate everything. I wish I could write the way I used to, but I am glad that I still write. Anyways, you're probably not interested.
- Went to Nanaimo for last night, was GREAT,...
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Yeah, that was pretty long. All that happened in one night?

So why did you leave Nanaimo? Sounds like you really miss it.
I hope you can work things out with your girl.
I've been reading about everyone's troubled relationships, seems most are going through some type of shit. I really envy the happy people, with good relationships. Maybe there's hope for the rest of us.
Take care. skull
Yeah, that's why I have a shower curtain and not a door. tongue

I guess we need the ups and downs. But I'm still waiting for some ups.
I really hope things work out for ya. It's hard to see friends struggle with everyday problems. But it's something we all deal with. Sometimes it seems that we shouldn't have to go through shit, but that's life. And the shit is here to stay. When one problem is solved, another pops up. It seems to never end. mad

Don't worry about long comments. I always leave longer comments than what I write in my journal. I've just been putting pics in so I wouldn't have to write a journal. I have nothing to say anyways. smile
I am a big pussy today....
Climbed a large hill yesterday. made some panoramic shots of Vic too, they look quite cool.
Went downtown for 4:20, Kat dragged me out. Got a bunch of pics from that too, they have been uploaded. Fancy!
Still deciding whether going to Nanaimo is going to be worth it. I'll probably end up going. Though something says I really...
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Like the pics. I'd like to go around and just take pictures of things, but I've been having a hard time just doing anything lately. Depression sucks.

Yeah, you need to move. i couldn't take that shit. I like living alone. Nobody bugs me. smile
Yep, just a lazy boring Monday. I went to work earlier today, and now I'm at home with nothing to do. Just watching South Park.
Sorry about the bad weather. It's been nice here. Windy though. It was like 86 degrees yesterday, today not as nice, but it's a Monday so who cares.
Your hair is longer than mine. I just clipped it yesterday. I keep it short for the summer.
I don't have many pics of myself either. They all start to look the same. Maybe I'll take more later. I don't know if people look at them much anyways.
It was 86 Sunday, tuesday it was 50. and raining. Went from running the a/c to turning the heat back on. Sucks!

The monday face is pretty much my everyday face. Sometimes even on the weekends. I don't seem to smile much lately. Maybe it's the weather.

Ha! I just noticed your favorite sexual position.It's almost exactly what I wrote. That's my favorite thing to do. Awesome!

[Edited on Apr 20, 2004 11:18PM]
whatever < my mood right now
- I've been feeling social lately, went out with Kat last night and the night before. Her and Greg came over on Friday night, which was ubercool, I haven't seen Greg in over two years so it was cool to catch up. Kat reminded me last night that Greg and I almost went out once. That would have been so...
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Thanks, and I think your right. It'll be a long time before I get married again.
Our court date is in 2 weeks, and I hope it'll be over then. I need to put this behind me. I already know she's going to get more than she deserves, but I hope it's not too much. We'll see.

Nice talking to you.
Why no friends? Don't want any, or no ones asked? If I asked would accept?
Cool! I'll talk to ya later then. smile
Ok, well not much of an update today.

1. Duncan went well, better than planned in all aspects, now I just have to get my ass out there and do as I say I will.
2. Financially going ok.
3. Have a bit of weed so I can sleep.
4. The anxiety problems I have been having as of late seem to be tapering off....
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good luck with your job hunt frown
youre hot... thought id tell you and if you would like to hear it again just leave me a line
I had tears of happiness well up in my eyes for the first time...well...in a really fucking long time.
I've realized tonight that some of my actions over the past two months have been utter stupidity and really I've brought a lot of the torment of the last few days upon myself. Unintentionally, so I am forgiven =)
But well, I can't really say more...
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