My friend's camera is evil, and now I feel poopy.
Must lay off the beer and get back on the bike!
*cry* lol
Tommorow is my last day in Kingston...I'm not sure how I feel about that.
Well actually I feel exhausted right now having a new baby in the house and
catching up with all the procrastinated packing makes for a tired me.
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Must lay off the beer and get back on the bike!
*cry* lol
Tommorow is my last day in Kingston...I'm not sure how I feel about that.
Well actually I feel exhausted right now having a new baby in the house and
catching up with all the procrastinated packing makes for a tired me.
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New Format?
Only time will tell I guess
Only time will tell I guess
that pic you added is soooooo hott!!
good job sweetie!
good job sweetie!

I'm so so SO tired, I should be sleeping but I'm doing laundry like the good little domestic slave I've become.
Getting up at 4:30am everyday for work really takes a toll on you after a while. Not to mention I've been sleeping crappy since I got back to Kingston...STUPID BOY!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!
I started packing yesterday, I move back home...
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I'm so so SO tired, I should be sleeping but I'm doing laundry like the good little domestic slave I've become.
Getting up at 4:30am everyday for work really takes a toll on you after a while. Not to mention I've been sleeping crappy since I got back to Kingston...STUPID BOY!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!

I started packing yesterday, I move back home...
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Get some rest!!!
You sound like you deserve it.
You sound like you deserve it.
haha! you're too cute!
packing sucks ass!
and so does the whole 4:30am thing..
i used to work for starbucks and i had to wake up at 3am like 5 days out of the week!!!
i was like a fricken Zombie!
hope you feel better! kisses!!!!

packing sucks ass!
and so does the whole 4:30am thing..
i used to work for starbucks and i had to wake up at 3am like 5 days out of the week!!!

i was like a fricken Zombie!

hope you feel better! kisses!!!!

Allo Bonjour!
I just came back from a fantabulous long weekend visiting my friends in my hometown.
Its amazing how friends will make boy issues much easier, well them and my moms tarot card reading. (Best present I ever gave her!)
The weather here is amazing! I went from being transparent/clear to lobster red....which will soon relax into an excellent tan although my shoulders are...
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I just came back from a fantabulous long weekend visiting my friends in my hometown.
Its amazing how friends will make boy issues much easier, well them and my moms tarot card reading. (Best present I ever gave her!)
The weather here is amazing! I went from being transparent/clear to lobster red....which will soon relax into an excellent tan although my shoulders are...
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atleast our weather is usually decent here
but ill find out all about cali's heat in just under a month
Thanks for my comment tho, flogging molly kick ASS

Thanks for my comment tho, flogging molly kick ASS

Did you get a party in a room?! That seems to be an excellent solution to boy problems, too.

Boys are stupid and I hate them.
I thought maybe once I could find a boy that I actually like and who likes me too.
Aparently that's too much to ask for.
I quit.
I thought maybe once I could find a boy that I actually like and who likes me too.
Aparently that's too much to ask for.
I quit.

oh don't quit!
just don't make boys the center of attention and they'll fall for you like crrazy!
but what do i know.. i'm drunk. haha!
just don't make boys the center of attention and they'll fall for you like crrazy!
but what do i know.. i'm drunk. haha!

So I haven't updated in the better part of forever because my damn internet decided to go on strike.
So many sets to catch up on.
And I still haven't fixed the damn thing I think my network locked me out.
Anyhoo, my lovely pregnant roomate is pregnant no more
Peyton was born yesterday at 11:40am after a long wait at the hospital.
He's 6lbs...
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So many sets to catch up on.
And I still haven't fixed the damn thing I think my network locked me out.
Anyhoo, my lovely pregnant roomate is pregnant no more
Peyton was born yesterday at 11:40am after a long wait at the hospital.
He's 6lbs...
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hot hot hot

Geetings and Salutations!
lol I'm a geek, but a geek who is officially on holidays!
My Best-est friend from Montreal surprised me and showed up at work yesterday
I love that girl SO much
In honour of her arrival I ended my new years resolution of sobriety 2 days early. ( was for her... lol)
I forgot how good beer is and how it makes...
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lol I'm a geek, but a geek who is officially on holidays!
My Best-est friend from Montreal surprised me and showed up at work yesterday

I love that girl SO much
In honour of her arrival I ended my new years resolution of sobriety 2 days early. ( was for her... lol)
I forgot how good beer is and how it makes...
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We're alone now.
I missed your touch.
Brush back my hair.
Unclasp my bra.
Close your eyes.
Hold my shaking arms.
Shake my spinning head.
Words of lust into my neck.
Into my insides.
I'm yours.
Can't sleep
I miss feeling like this
We're alone now.
I missed your touch.
Brush back my hair.
Unclasp my bra.
Close your eyes.
Hold my shaking arms.
Shake my spinning head.
Words of lust into my neck.
Into my insides.
I'm yours.

I miss feeling like this
aww.... cute!
feel better! sing songs while you drive!
or download some "Of Montreal".. they make ME feel better... anyway.. thanks for your comment .. you rock the pink socks!
feel better! sing songs while you drive!
or download some "Of Montreal".. they make ME feel better... anyway.. thanks for your comment .. you rock the pink socks!

now i cant sleep either

Happy Valentines Day everyone
I could have had a Valentine for tonight but being the dork that I am decided to forgo this particular holiday to stay in and clean the house
I hope everyone is having a lovely day
Love and Bubbles
(The Valentines Day monster)

I could have had a Valentine for tonight but being the dork that I am decided to forgo this particular holiday to stay in and clean the house

I hope everyone is having a lovely day
Love and Bubbles
(The Valentines Day monster)
"love and bubbles"?
that's fucking CUTE!
v-day is a bit overrated.. have fun tonight!
that's fucking CUTE!
v-day is a bit overrated.. have fun tonight!

Happy Valentines Day to you as well.
Why didnt you want a Valentine?
Why didnt you want a Valentine?
So it turns out that my best friend is dating a crack head.
Like an actual crack-head.
He stole the key to her dorm room and had been stealing from his roomates to support his habit b/c he doesn't go to work anymore.
Needless to say, she is not with him anymore.
Poor girl has the worst luck with boys, she just doesn't know how...
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Like an actual crack-head.
He stole the key to her dorm room and had been stealing from his roomates to support his habit b/c he doesn't go to work anymore.
Needless to say, she is not with him anymore.
Poor girl has the worst luck with boys, she just doesn't know how...
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Wow. your friend really has some pretty bad taste in guys. haha. of course, i usually wind up dating crazy people too, so who am i to talk. haha.
ya i'm jealous. i wish i could afford one.
me with clothes on???
Sorry to hear about your camera..