I stole this from ActionBastard's blog, it was kind of hard to think of things, but here it is, hopefully some of you will find this interesting
10 things about my body
1.I am only about 5 feet tall.
2. I have a heart murmur.
3.I have a scar on my retina that enlarges my blind spot.
4.I have really sensitive skin.
5. I have tiny hands, like the same size as children's and my fingers are really short (my pointer finger is the same size as my husband's biggest little toe, but he does have size 13 feet, lol).
6.I also have tiny feet, with tiny little toes.
7. I have never had stitches.
8. I have had my tonsils removed.
9. I have lots of moles, and I have three that are together and make a Mickey Mouse shape.
10. I have a butt nose, hehe.
9 things about me
1. I am a nurse, and currently work with children.
2. I am really bad at spelling.
3. I didn't cry when I was born, and my dad told my mom that I looked like E.T.
4. I have only had two serious romantic relationships.
5. I have lived in Minnesota my whole life.
6. I was voted most artistic in my senior class.
7. I grew up on a farm and am used to hard work and I don't mind.
8.I don't like swear words.
9. My favorite class in High School and in college was Anatomy, and I love dissecting things.
8 of my favorite things
1. My favorite season is the Fall. I love the colors of the trees, the cool weather, and I have had lots of very special things happen to me in the fall. Like meeting my husband, and getting married to him.
2. My two favorite animals are cats and turtles.
3. Being out in nature and just enjoying the peaceful calm feeling of it.
4. Being lazy and in no hurry. Life is just too rushed and busy.
5. Leopard print
6. Cute clothes and shoes, yes sometimes I act like a girl.
7. When I went on my vacation to Europe and seeing the Swiss Alps, they are the most beautiful place in the world to me.
8.Memories of when I was a child, I wish I could travel back to that time.
7 people who influence your life
1. My mom, she has taught me to be a caring, loving person and to put others before myself.
2.My dad has taught me to be a hard worker and to do what is right.
3. My husband has taught me how to relax and have more fun in life.
4. My best friend, she has taught me what it is like to have a sister that is always there for you, I don't have a blood sister, but she is my sister.
5. My ex boyfriend, he was my first love and my first for a lot of things.
6. My grandma she is like my mom, but easier to talk to about life's difficult things.
7. My great-grandma, my memories of here are so sweet and loving, she died when I was little and was the first human death that I had to deal with, I missed her a lot.
6 of your favorite foods
1. Tomato's
3. Chicken
5. Caramel
6. Alfrado
5 things about yourself that even you think are weird
1. I can roll my tongue upside down in my mouth.
2. I repeated kindergarten.
3. The fact that I don't like chocolate.
4. I share a birthday with my mother-in-law and my brother-in-laws girlfriend.
5. I had midget teeth, they are now covered with veneers, but they are still there underneath.
4 things you do exceptionally well
1. My job, my patients and their families seem to like me.
2.I am good at being organized and on top of things.
3. I did good in school and got good grades.
4. Used to be good at playing the flute, but haven't really played it in a while.
3 reasons you are doing this
1. Something to do in my downtime at work.
2. Because it is fun.
3. And because it is challenging, good exercise for my brain.
2 things you'd take back if you could
1. I don't think I would take anything back, all of my experiences have made me who I am today.
1 person you need
1. My husband, I don't know what I would do without him.

10 things about my body
1.I am only about 5 feet tall.
2. I have a heart murmur.
3.I have a scar on my retina that enlarges my blind spot.
4.I have really sensitive skin.
5. I have tiny hands, like the same size as children's and my fingers are really short (my pointer finger is the same size as my husband's biggest little toe, but he does have size 13 feet, lol).
6.I also have tiny feet, with tiny little toes.
7. I have never had stitches.
8. I have had my tonsils removed.
9. I have lots of moles, and I have three that are together and make a Mickey Mouse shape.
10. I have a butt nose, hehe.
9 things about me
1. I am a nurse, and currently work with children.
2. I am really bad at spelling.
3. I didn't cry when I was born, and my dad told my mom that I looked like E.T.
4. I have only had two serious romantic relationships.
5. I have lived in Minnesota my whole life.
6. I was voted most artistic in my senior class.
7. I grew up on a farm and am used to hard work and I don't mind.
8.I don't like swear words.
9. My favorite class in High School and in college was Anatomy, and I love dissecting things.
8 of my favorite things
1. My favorite season is the Fall. I love the colors of the trees, the cool weather, and I have had lots of very special things happen to me in the fall. Like meeting my husband, and getting married to him.
2. My two favorite animals are cats and turtles.
3. Being out in nature and just enjoying the peaceful calm feeling of it.
4. Being lazy and in no hurry. Life is just too rushed and busy.
5. Leopard print
6. Cute clothes and shoes, yes sometimes I act like a girl.
7. When I went on my vacation to Europe and seeing the Swiss Alps, they are the most beautiful place in the world to me.
8.Memories of when I was a child, I wish I could travel back to that time.
7 people who influence your life
1. My mom, she has taught me to be a caring, loving person and to put others before myself.
2.My dad has taught me to be a hard worker and to do what is right.
3. My husband has taught me how to relax and have more fun in life.
4. My best friend, she has taught me what it is like to have a sister that is always there for you, I don't have a blood sister, but she is my sister.
5. My ex boyfriend, he was my first love and my first for a lot of things.
6. My grandma she is like my mom, but easier to talk to about life's difficult things.
7. My great-grandma, my memories of here are so sweet and loving, she died when I was little and was the first human death that I had to deal with, I missed her a lot.
6 of your favorite foods
1. Tomato's
3. Chicken
5. Caramel
6. Alfrado
5 things about yourself that even you think are weird
1. I can roll my tongue upside down in my mouth.
2. I repeated kindergarten.
3. The fact that I don't like chocolate.
4. I share a birthday with my mother-in-law and my brother-in-laws girlfriend.
5. I had midget teeth, they are now covered with veneers, but they are still there underneath.
4 things you do exceptionally well
1. My job, my patients and their families seem to like me.
2.I am good at being organized and on top of things.
3. I did good in school and got good grades.
4. Used to be good at playing the flute, but haven't really played it in a while.
3 reasons you are doing this
1. Something to do in my downtime at work.
2. Because it is fun.
3. And because it is challenging, good exercise for my brain.
2 things you'd take back if you could
1. I don't think I would take anything back, all of my experiences have made me who I am today.
1 person you need
1. My husband, I don't know what I would do without him.
Yeah, my skin is going crazy since the weather is cooling off and the humidity is dropping. It is itch-tastic
Hope your Halloween weekend rocks!