So after finding out that I infact do not have comprehensive coverage on my auto insurance, I looked around for a place with cheap windshields, found one for $133.00. Got it set up to replace it tommorow. Prior to that I plan to get my tires changed. After the tires, and windshield, I got to go get my car saftey inspected. So needless to say tommorow is going to be a fairly large money spending day. Which I always hate. When oh when will they invent teleportation?
I think my manigerial duties are starting to wear down on me. I hate being the one looked apon to be responsible. Especialy by irate customers who claimed that "I ruined their lifes." No joke I've had a customer say that to me. And instead of taking out my clipboard and checking of the box with thier name next to it all I could do was say "I'm sorry you feel that way."
I need to go back to europe. Everything is so much more.... me, over there.
In other news Natalie Portman shaved her head for her next role in V for Vendetta. So my shaved head fetish is kicking in right about.... now. And besides, she can act well if people in supporting roles can act.
Speaking of movies I recommend everyoen to take a look at the trailer for Night Watch. It's a russian horror flik that looks amazing. I can't wait.... time to check ebay.
I think my manigerial duties are starting to wear down on me. I hate being the one looked apon to be responsible. Especialy by irate customers who claimed that "I ruined their lifes." No joke I've had a customer say that to me. And instead of taking out my clipboard and checking of the box with thier name next to it all I could do was say "I'm sorry you feel that way."
I need to go back to europe. Everything is so much more.... me, over there.
In other news Natalie Portman shaved her head for her next role in V for Vendetta. So my shaved head fetish is kicking in right about.... now. And besides, she can act well if people in supporting roles can act.
Speaking of movies I recommend everyoen to take a look at the trailer for Night Watch. It's a russian horror flik that looks amazing. I can't wait.... time to check ebay.