I love waking up at 5pm and doing nothing for the rest of the day. Even though I have plenty of shit to get done. But at the current moment, I don' care.
Just to make a mental note to myself and so I can view what really needs to get done, time for a list;
Windshield replaced, snow tires taken off, take the car in for inspection and then register it (if it passes of course which I have no doubt it will), See doctor, dentist, optomitriest, see councelor, see college counselor, reregister for college, get classes, bring down the last bit of stuff from the parents house, finish making my house looking decent. - All of that ontop of work I'm hoping to get done by the 30th. T-minus 10 days and counting.
Speaking of college I've decided to change my major. I still love physics in all its forms, but I utterly despise math with a passion. So after a long debate I'm probably going into phorensics or pathology. For a few reasons.First I couldnt deal with working on living people. To actualy see that much pain and taking a chance of someones life in my hands isn't what I'd like to do. Secondly the bodie is such an amazing thing. Everytime I hold the human brain I'm just captavated by it. It's so amazing that something like that is the cause of so much we see around us. Obviously or personality and thought process, but also every type of technology was due to the brain. It is so beautifull and powerfull. Then how everything in the body functions is so fascinating.
Yep.... so that's where I stand.... or I should say sit for the moment.
Just to make a mental note to myself and so I can view what really needs to get done, time for a list;
Windshield replaced, snow tires taken off, take the car in for inspection and then register it (if it passes of course which I have no doubt it will), See doctor, dentist, optomitriest, see councelor, see college counselor, reregister for college, get classes, bring down the last bit of stuff from the parents house, finish making my house looking decent. - All of that ontop of work I'm hoping to get done by the 30th. T-minus 10 days and counting.
Speaking of college I've decided to change my major. I still love physics in all its forms, but I utterly despise math with a passion. So after a long debate I'm probably going into phorensics or pathology. For a few reasons.First I couldnt deal with working on living people. To actualy see that much pain and taking a chance of someones life in my hands isn't what I'd like to do. Secondly the bodie is such an amazing thing. Everytime I hold the human brain I'm just captavated by it. It's so amazing that something like that is the cause of so much we see around us. Obviously or personality and thought process, but also every type of technology was due to the brain. It is so beautifull and powerfull. Then how everything in the body functions is so fascinating.
Yep.... so that's where I stand.... or I should say sit for the moment.