Star Wars came out tonight..... was at work for.... 16 hours...... of pure fun and joy mind you. So so tired, but sleep is worthless and I dont have to get up in the morning so I might as well stay up for long pointless periods of time(the story of my life).
Overall the movie was the best out of the new three.... which realy isn't saying too much. As always the fight scenes were well done and the CG unmatched. But some of the script writing and acting...... as some would say, isn't up to par. The one thing I realy admired about the film is that you actualy feel for Anakin or Darth Vader for those of you who haven't fiqured it out.
Almost done with putting shit away in my house, after all it's only been about two months now. I really need to motivate myself a bit more. It's just that my outlook on life is so apathetic, I kind of just want to sit and watch it all go by, or come crashing down. Actualy seeing both would be very pleasurable. If only I could exist as some sort of spectator until the end of time. Mainly because of the fact that it's so inconcievable to actualy watch something like that happen. Plus I've always imagined living in a Mad Max type of world. That or Zombies.
I just can't wait to see if the Mayans are correct on thier exact date of the destruction of most life on this planet. Keep in mind that they predicted that not everyone would die but only a very large percentage somewhere in the 95%+ range, and the ones that made it would evlove into "super" humans with telepathy. Although it has been sometime since I researched it so some of that info might be slandered or false.
But for the time being life is great.
Overall the movie was the best out of the new three.... which realy isn't saying too much. As always the fight scenes were well done and the CG unmatched. But some of the script writing and acting...... as some would say, isn't up to par. The one thing I realy admired about the film is that you actualy feel for Anakin or Darth Vader for those of you who haven't fiqured it out.
Almost done with putting shit away in my house, after all it's only been about two months now. I really need to motivate myself a bit more. It's just that my outlook on life is so apathetic, I kind of just want to sit and watch it all go by, or come crashing down. Actualy seeing both would be very pleasurable. If only I could exist as some sort of spectator until the end of time. Mainly because of the fact that it's so inconcievable to actualy watch something like that happen. Plus I've always imagined living in a Mad Max type of world. That or Zombies.
I just can't wait to see if the Mayans are correct on thier exact date of the destruction of most life on this planet. Keep in mind that they predicted that not everyone would die but only a very large percentage somewhere in the 95%+ range, and the ones that made it would evlove into "super" humans with telepathy. Although it has been sometime since I researched it so some of that info might be slandered or false.
But for the time being life is great.