I am one tired puppy. I worked out this morning after taking a week and a half off.
How sad is it that I was done after only 15 crunches? Alas, she made me keep going.....
Got my stitches out yesterday. Looks pretty good I guess for a big ol gash in my arm. I go back to the Dr. in 4 months for another strip search. She is afraid that I am prone to the skin cancer.
Let's hope not.
In other medical news, I have these lumps on my neck and the back of my head that sprung up 2 weeks ago after the procedure on my arm. I asked the nurse about it yesterday, and she thinks they are related to the issue and that they should go away. If they don't go away then I need to have them checked out. OK...it's been 2 weeks and HELLO they haven't gone away. So I have to give it another month or so.
When I lay down to sleep at night, those bastards hurt. I have to take 3 advils every night before bed so I can go to sleep.
So next month I am going to Lake Tahoe. Guess what for!
My dart team is in a tie for first place. Tie breaker is tomorrow. I haven't been practicing. shit. I thought it was over....but NO, the 2nd place bastards just HAD to kick 3rd place's ass and catch up with us. And tonight is Bunco night...so another late night....
I got the new furniture. It is GIGANTIC! It ummmm didn't look that big in the showroom! But...I got it. It's delivered. So I guess it stays. Don't get me wrong. It is awesomely beautiful, but DAMN it's big. A king size bed sure does take up more room than a queen! I still have to switch over all my stuff....and then I'm having a garage sale this weekend to get rid of all the old shit. Anybody need any crappy old bedroom furniture?
So, yeah...I just discovered the friend thread feature last night. Thanks to my lesbian gaysexer lover.
She educates me on everything. heh. And maybe, just MAYBE she will come to Lake Tahoe with me!!!!!!!
Is this my longest journal entry ever? Shit. I gotta quit typing. I'm out of control.

Got my stitches out yesterday. Looks pretty good I guess for a big ol gash in my arm. I go back to the Dr. in 4 months for another strip search. She is afraid that I am prone to the skin cancer.

In other medical news, I have these lumps on my neck and the back of my head that sprung up 2 weeks ago after the procedure on my arm. I asked the nurse about it yesterday, and she thinks they are related to the issue and that they should go away. If they don't go away then I need to have them checked out. OK...it's been 2 weeks and HELLO they haven't gone away. So I have to give it another month or so.

So next month I am going to Lake Tahoe. Guess what for!

My dart team is in a tie for first place. Tie breaker is tomorrow. I haven't been practicing. shit. I thought it was over....but NO, the 2nd place bastards just HAD to kick 3rd place's ass and catch up with us. And tonight is Bunco night...so another late night....

I got the new furniture. It is GIGANTIC! It ummmm didn't look that big in the showroom! But...I got it. It's delivered. So I guess it stays. Don't get me wrong. It is awesomely beautiful, but DAMN it's big. A king size bed sure does take up more room than a queen! I still have to switch over all my stuff....and then I'm having a garage sale this weekend to get rid of all the old shit. Anybody need any crappy old bedroom furniture?

So, yeah...I just discovered the friend thread feature last night. Thanks to my lesbian gaysexer lover.

Is this my longest journal entry ever? Shit. I gotta quit typing. I'm out of control.
have the number? I'll email it to you.