My personal trainer was on vacation this past week and I didn't exercise.
I'm ashamed of myself!
Going to Vegas next weekend!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!! If I win a big jackpot, I'm going into instant retirement.
On a sad note, tomorrow is the day I go and get more of my arm cut out. Hopefully it won't be more than 6 or 8 stitches.
I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new bedroom suite. It is kickass, but I do have a tinge of buyer's remorse. I know it will go away when I see how awesome it looks, but just spending all that money, and nothing to show for it yet...kind of makes me want to puke.
I designed an appointment book for hairstylists. I have a meeting on Wednesday with a huge beauty supply distributing company. I'm not sure about going the wholesale route...I had kind of just planned on doing a retail operation through mail-outs, website, and of course ebay. But selling more books for less money might be ok too. I'll be interested to hear what they have to say. It this thing takes off, I won't NEED to hit a jackpot in Vegas!!!
If you need me, I'll be at the Roulette wheel.

Going to Vegas next weekend!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!! If I win a big jackpot, I'm going into instant retirement.

On a sad note, tomorrow is the day I go and get more of my arm cut out. Hopefully it won't be more than 6 or 8 stitches.

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new bedroom suite. It is kickass, but I do have a tinge of buyer's remorse. I know it will go away when I see how awesome it looks, but just spending all that money, and nothing to show for it yet...kind of makes me want to puke.

I designed an appointment book for hairstylists. I have a meeting on Wednesday with a huge beauty supply distributing company. I'm not sure about going the wholesale route...I had kind of just planned on doing a retail operation through mail-outs, website, and of course ebay. But selling more books for less money might be ok too. I'll be interested to hear what they have to say. It this thing takes off, I won't NEED to hit a jackpot in Vegas!!!

If you need me, I'll be at the Roulette wheel.
did you win big?