I got a massage today!!!
God it felt good on my aching back and shoulders. I have been working some hellacious hours lately cause I'm going out of town this weekend. Yay for me! Come Thursday morning I'm outta here! And THEN I get to go out of town the weekend after that too!
It's hot in here.
My new diet plan is to eat whatever the hell I want, just not very much of it. I'll let you know how it goes.
Memorial Day weekend I will quite possibly get to meet my man's ex girlfriend. Should be interesting. They were together for 3 years or so, and only broke up because he moved back home to Tennessee. She didn't want to move. No fight, no real break up to speak of. In the past I have been a little insecure about her, as he visits her quite often, but those visits have slowed down. And I trust him, I really do. But it will be nice to see how they interact...
I'm off to a meeting now...always something to do.

It's hot in here.
My new diet plan is to eat whatever the hell I want, just not very much of it. I'll let you know how it goes.
Memorial Day weekend I will quite possibly get to meet my man's ex girlfriend. Should be interesting. They were together for 3 years or so, and only broke up because he moved back home to Tennessee. She didn't want to move. No fight, no real break up to speak of. In the past I have been a little insecure about her, as he visits her quite often, but those visits have slowed down. And I trust him, I really do. But it will be nice to see how they interact...
I'm off to a meeting now...always something to do.


You must learn tp play bass! How tall are you?
