Getting pumped about my trip to N'awlins. My ass might just stay in my hotel room all day and read books. Yes, I am that lame. NO...I won't do it. I will go the Quarter. I will go to the casino. I will go eat at fancy and delicious restaurants. And then I will hole up in my room and read ALL the books I have let accumulate. I can't read at home...I get too distracted by things that need to be done. So I settle in with a book, then think about the laundry that needs to be done. So I put in a load of laundry, then think...oh let me wash up those dishes. Then who knows what else will pop into my mind to guilt me into not reading. But when I'm away from home, it is a reading free-for-all festival!


Hey I'm going too! But at the very end of the month. Maybe we'll meet, or maybe you can tell me the cool places to see if the wife and I get there after you do.