Here's the scary story I promised...
I grew up in Small Town USA. We never locked our doors, never feared a break-in. We knew everyone, and everyone knew us. I am the youngest of three girls. At the time of this story I was maybe 4 years old.
My Mom was on call at the hospital. She had just returned home from a call, so she laid down on the couch so she wouldn't wake my dad. She was asleep, but felt a presence, woke up, and opened her eyes to a strange man hovering over her about to put his hand over her mouth. He was a little late, as I'm sure he didn't expect her to wake, and she SCREAMED!!! My dad woke up, the guy ran out the back door, dropping my mom's billfold on his way out. So no harm done, right? Well, between the three sisters, we had 2 bedrooms. The bedrooms were located in between the back door and the living room. Both of our doors were wide open. These doors remained CLOSED at all times, due to the mess they held inside. So that man looked for us in our rooms FIRST! Thankfully we were spending 2 weeks with our grandmother in Indiana. It was summer break from saved at least one of us from certain sexual attack.
This man attacked another little girl as her mother cooked dinner only a few rooms away. He attempted to rape another girl who got away and had to run home naked. My mother saw him, perhaps even knew who he was, or at least did when she saw the other sketches on the news. He was FINALLY caught many years after the incident at our house.
My parents didn't tell us about this story until I was in college. They didn't want to scare us. All I remember was that they gave us a key (that we had to wear on a necklace because Mom was certain we would lose it. I think I still managed to lose mine.
) The doors were locked tight at all times. I also remember the lectures...don't talk to strange men, etc. I had no idea why at the time, but now it all makes sense.
I grew up in Small Town USA. We never locked our doors, never feared a break-in. We knew everyone, and everyone knew us. I am the youngest of three girls. At the time of this story I was maybe 4 years old.
My Mom was on call at the hospital. She had just returned home from a call, so she laid down on the couch so she wouldn't wake my dad. She was asleep, but felt a presence, woke up, and opened her eyes to a strange man hovering over her about to put his hand over her mouth. He was a little late, as I'm sure he didn't expect her to wake, and she SCREAMED!!! My dad woke up, the guy ran out the back door, dropping my mom's billfold on his way out. So no harm done, right? Well, between the three sisters, we had 2 bedrooms. The bedrooms were located in between the back door and the living room. Both of our doors were wide open. These doors remained CLOSED at all times, due to the mess they held inside. So that man looked for us in our rooms FIRST! Thankfully we were spending 2 weeks with our grandmother in Indiana. It was summer break from saved at least one of us from certain sexual attack.
This man attacked another little girl as her mother cooked dinner only a few rooms away. He attempted to rape another girl who got away and had to run home naked. My mother saw him, perhaps even knew who he was, or at least did when she saw the other sketches on the news. He was FINALLY caught many years after the incident at our house.
My parents didn't tell us about this story until I was in college. They didn't want to scare us. All I remember was that they gave us a key (that we had to wear on a necklace because Mom was certain we would lose it. I think I still managed to lose mine.

Say a prayer for the broke and tired!