still bad things going on with this deal. waiting to hear back from the realtor today.
tell me WHY does someone need to do any bulldozing on property they don't own?
I need to get this shit out of my head. I can't even sleep at night for worrying about it. I don't trust anyone these days...which is a blessing AND a curse. *sigh*
I should be working right now. I have a bunch of people that need their hair done, and I just don't feel like calling them and going in today. I shouldn't feel bad since it is my day off, but for some reason I just do that shit.
No American Idol tonight. I'm bummed. Gotta wait til tomorrow I guess.

tell me WHY does someone need to do any bulldozing on property they don't own?

I need to get this shit out of my head. I can't even sleep at night for worrying about it. I don't trust anyone these days...which is a blessing AND a curse. *sigh*
I should be working right now. I have a bunch of people that need their hair done, and I just don't feel like calling them and going in today. I shouldn't feel bad since it is my day off, but for some reason I just do that shit.

No American Idol tonight. I'm bummed. Gotta wait til tomorrow I guess.

So, what happened with the bulldozers?
Eh, the beginning of all that was a rant anyways, because i'm pissed at a professor. I didn't think it was that long until i hit submit.. it's good to hear from you, by the way...