So...the divorce was final last week. It's weird how it feels. I didn't know what to expect, but there is a bit of grieving so to speak. But..I'm alive, so that's good I guess.
My sister had a garage sale this weekend. I don't get into it, but she thrives on those things. I gave her some of my crap to sell...I made a whopping $13. WOW!!! Considering the 6 hours I spent Friday night helping her set up the tables and such, I made like $2 an hour. I'll try not to spend it all in one place.
The rest of the stuff is going to Goodwill, or some other charitable organization. Now that is my speed...I'm all about helping the needy....and the tax write-off.
So...another hurricane hits Florida.
So....I'm asking this the end of the world?
I had a total football weekend. UT game Saturday, Titans game Sunday.
UT good, Titans bad.
Damn, what's up with those guys?
I just found out that I'm going to Sedona Arizona in October. All my trips to Florida have been cancelled due to the inclement weather, so let's see if I can jinx Arizona into some sort of natural disaster.
Fo real. I'm scared. But...still excited!!! Yay!
Adios Amigos!
My sister had a garage sale this weekend. I don't get into it, but she thrives on those things. I gave her some of my crap to sell...I made a whopping $13. WOW!!! Considering the 6 hours I spent Friday night helping her set up the tables and such, I made like $2 an hour. I'll try not to spend it all in one place.

So...another hurricane hits Florida.

I had a total football weekend. UT game Saturday, Titans game Sunday.

I just found out that I'm going to Sedona Arizona in October. All my trips to Florida have been cancelled due to the inclement weather, so let's see if I can jinx Arizona into some sort of natural disaster.

Adios Amigos!

Anyway, the next time you are in town I'd like the two of you to go Frankenstein on my head. Any color you want. Preferably something dark. I'll bribe you with cash or boose, your choice!