Am I the only one that hates the week before vacation? So much hair to little time.
I need to get back on the low carb thing. The ol pants are getting a touch tight.
I'm holding my breath on the close of the house. Wish me luck, people!
Weird things are happenning at that house, though. The freaky renters left a giant barrell for burning trash...and left a bunch of trash in it. Someone lit it. With lighter fluid. The flames were like 10 feet high. Really good for the trees, ya know. I mean...what kind of asshole lights a fire at a vacant house? The girl buying the house happenned to go by to measure something and found the shit ablaze. She thought maybe I did it.
ummm, no. She put out the fire, then two days later, someone lit that shit up again. This time her son saw it.
If some asshole burns my house down I'm gonna be SO pissed.
I need a massage. My shoulders are so tight they may just disentigrate if anyone touches them. Someone help me!
The ex and I are dangerously nice to each other. Makes me wonder what's up.
Let's see....what else has been going on? work, house, darts, guess that's it. Not very exciting I guess. After my big tourney next weekend maybe I'll have more to report.
I need to get back on the low carb thing. The ol pants are getting a touch tight.

I'm holding my breath on the close of the house. Wish me luck, people!
Weird things are happenning at that house, though. The freaky renters left a giant barrell for burning trash...and left a bunch of trash in it. Someone lit it. With lighter fluid. The flames were like 10 feet high. Really good for the trees, ya know. I mean...what kind of asshole lights a fire at a vacant house? The girl buying the house happenned to go by to measure something and found the shit ablaze. She thought maybe I did it.

I need a massage. My shoulders are so tight they may just disentigrate if anyone touches them. Someone help me!
The ex and I are dangerously nice to each other. Makes me wonder what's up.
Let's see....what else has been going on? work, house, darts, guess that's it. Not very exciting I guess. After my big tourney next weekend maybe I'll have more to report.

But seriously.... that sucks that you won't be able to make it. I was kind of wanting to get with you anyways however, maybe over lunch or something and pick your brain over regarding the whole barber business.
if they evacuate the island...your hotel room will be non existent. I'm going to evacuate to *your* house.