Guess who I had lunch with today. Dollbabyamy She is a cutie patootie!
Selling this house is going to be the death of me.
Termite letters, inspections, FHA bullshit.
It's enough to drive me to drink....more. Now tell me why FHA demands me to paint my crawlspace door. What does that have to do with the integrity of my house? blah.
So...I'm closing on the house on Monday. That is one week to get all these ducks in a row...then on Thursday, I'm off to visit the fabulous evilwillow.
I'm going to cut her hair.
Don't worry...I won't cut that shit short. But do you people know how long it's been since she had a trim?
For real...a LONG time!
So...I have to do a haircut now. Damn this working for a living. Why can't I be independently wealthy?

Selling this house is going to be the death of me.

So...I'm closing on the house on Monday. That is one week to get all these ducks in a row...then on Thursday, I'm off to visit the fabulous evilwillow.

So...I have to do a haircut now. Damn this working for a living. Why can't I be independently wealthy?


Hey chickee, we're having to postpone the party. Looks like we'll be doing it on the next Saturday, which will be Labor Day weekend. Let me know if you're still down.