WOW, it's been a long time since I've updated. Sorry. I don't even know where to I'll start with the wedding!!!
I'm going to try to post a pic...and I've never done it before, so forgive me if I fail.
Providing you can see that (but if you can't it's in my pix folder), that is me and my hubby on our wedding day. We were seriously squinting because the sun was in our eyes. Yes, it was the most beautiful day EVER! Just moments before this picture was taken, we were up in that very hot air balloon over Lake Tahoe vowing our undying ever lasting love to one another. It was so awesome, I cannot even tell you how much so. I get all shivery thinking about it.
So...let's see, what else has been happenning? Lots of traveling. Football season, you know. A trip to Knoxville for all the home games takes a lot out of ya. Especially since our team is not doing so good this year.
That's ok. I still love 'em.
And hubby took me to Vegas for my birthday! (Thanks for all the birthday wishes, by the way!
) It was a last minute fun thing...and unfortunately we donated to the cause of the casino. ACK! I guess that's why they call it gambling! We also got to see an excellent show, and watch football (of course), and shop, and eat delicious food!
I've also been to the Smokey Mountains. What a nice weekend that was! I could possibly hole up in one of those cabins for months on end...just make sure I have an endless supply of firewood, wine, and peanut butter.
Ahhh, so much more has happenned, but I don't want to make this entry so long that noone reads it! I know how you people are!
(actually, that's what I do....I just assume everyone else does too!) So, I'll try to update again before another 2 months goes by!
I'm going to try to post a pic...and I've never done it before, so forgive me if I fail.
Providing you can see that (but if you can't it's in my pix folder), that is me and my hubby on our wedding day. We were seriously squinting because the sun was in our eyes. Yes, it was the most beautiful day EVER! Just moments before this picture was taken, we were up in that very hot air balloon over Lake Tahoe vowing our undying ever lasting love to one another. It was so awesome, I cannot even tell you how much so. I get all shivery thinking about it.

So...let's see, what else has been happenning? Lots of traveling. Football season, you know. A trip to Knoxville for all the home games takes a lot out of ya. Especially since our team is not doing so good this year.

And hubby took me to Vegas for my birthday! (Thanks for all the birthday wishes, by the way!

I've also been to the Smokey Mountains. What a nice weekend that was! I could possibly hole up in one of those cabins for months on end...just make sure I have an endless supply of firewood, wine, and peanut butter.
Ahhh, so much more has happenned, but I don't want to make this entry so long that noone reads it! I know how you people are!


Next time you're on MSN, i'll explain in more detail.