All right,today I have free time like 2 hours,so I finish a pic.
Yes, this time the model is a SG again.
Long time ago,I promise her I will finish this picture soon, I am sorry @livay , I'm late.
Too much shit took me so long, and thanks God, finally I can show you this.
You guys probably realize who is our comic queen SG right now.
Yep, @livay , I use her a photo painted this.
Not like when I painted @trio,this time,I try more fantasy style.
@livay makes me feel pure and fallen,cause her face especially eyes let me associating to an angel,about fallen,check her beautiful body,I don't think here need more words.
I would like to make a statement:
The SG website owners and administrators, I received the @livay agreed to use her photo to painting, because painting is a SG on SG's website, so I use the SG logo, if this is not allowed, please contact me to amend the painting.