I need a job. A job that pays well. A job where I don't have to go into an office from 8:30-5:00 every Monday through Friday. A job where I don't have to answer to some tie-wearing, scuffed-shoe-having, aftershave-smelling dude whose only joy in life is bossing me around so he can go home and bitch to his fluffy-haired wife and Little League-playing kids about the new girl at work who doesn't know her way around a copy machine and doesn't seem to care about it and just gives him blank stares when he yells at her. A job where I don't have to deal with other people's kids all day and then call their parents and tell them that no, they did not pass their swimming lessons because they can't stop blowing bubbles in other kids' faces long enough to hear what the hell I'm saying. A job I like would be nice...or I could just win the lottery!
But hey, I'm not asking for too much, am I?
Any suggestions?
This is inspired by a commercial I just saw (which has probably been running for the past year, but I don't watch enough TV to know about it!). Tell me what you think!
*What is the color of passion?
*What is the color of indifference?
*What is the color of melancholy?
*What is the color of inspiration?
*What is the color of serenity?
But hey, I'm not asking for too much, am I?

This is inspired by a commercial I just saw (which has probably been running for the past year, but I don't watch enough TV to know about it!). Tell me what you think!
*What is the color of passion?
*What is the color of indifference?
*What is the color of melancholy?
*What is the color of inspiration?
*What is the color of serenity?
LOL...it's SO not your fault! Honey, you are married now....being barefoot and in the kitchen takes up A LOT of time! Blame it on that husband of yours!!! LMAO! JK....So, how IS married life...enlighten us eternally single folks! INquiring minds MUST know!
But really, hope all is well on the ranch, and thank you for those encouraging words. It feels like, lately, anyway, a lot of my "freinds" have become OVERLY analytical of the going's on's in my life. But to hell with my critics! I am going to do what makes me happy while they all stew in their misery and muck! And yes, I agree, we DO need to keep in touch better!!!!

The new place is just a few block away from my old one. A block east of Holcomb on Thoma to be precise.