So long, and thanks for all the fish.
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I'm leaving SG, again. I might be back. I'll probably be back.
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I've got a LiveJournal, if you miss me too terribly much. I'm not sure why you would, but that's me nonetheless.
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I've also got an AIM name, if you miss me too terribly much. I'm not sure why you would, but I'm HitchhikerDent nonetheless.
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I'm leaving SG, again. I might be back. I'll probably be back.
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I've got a LiveJournal, if you miss me too terribly much. I'm not sure why you would, but that's me nonetheless.
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I've also got an AIM name, if you miss me too terribly much. I'm not sure why you would, but I'm HitchhikerDent nonetheless.
Oh no, no no....please not again! I will miss you, and awfully too much!!!! I NEED you! lol, ok, well, perhaps thats a little over board, but nonetheless, you will be sorely missed until your return! Oh, and I will surely keep up with your postings in you LJ, if that's ok!

Damn! And I just got my cursed internet connection working a couple of weeks ago. And what with some shit that happened right after that, I only just now got the chance to check and see how you were doing. Eeeeyah! I'll message you with my new email, anyway.