I needed a little drama right now. Because finals, unemployment, and bankruptcy weren't quite doing it for me - I needed a little something extra, you know? Just for good measure.
Luckily enough, I have Ex-Boyfriend! And he never ceases to keep me on my toes.
My favorite thing about him is probably the way he always has a new way to draw my attention back in his direction. Even though we've been through for two months, he's continued to make himself the center of my world - something I never could've done without him and his crazy escapades in Vegas.
This week's plot has something to do with him being beat up and left for dead in a 7-11 parking lot. He called me from a payphone and told me he'd lost his cell and wallet and truck keys, and that he was bleeding like he'd been raped, and that his nose was broken.
Luckily for me, right before he called I'd resigned myself to a full night's sleep ahead - but who wants that, anyway? Getting a good rest is so boring.
So he entertained me for a while with his hysterics - which I always get a kick out of - then his mom entertained me with her pleas for me to drive to Vegas to help her out. Unfortunately for all of us, I couldn't, because I have classes and dead week and finals and job interviews and grownup things coming up - all that stuff that in the long term probably won't matter a bit. But at least these two crazy kids kept me amused all night, and most of this morning.
And he found his phone, wallet, and keys - in his pants pocket, no less - who'd have thought to look there? Which was lucky, because if he hadn't had them, I may have believed his story, and gotten depressed or something.
You know, gosh, I'm a lucky girl to have such entertaining people in my life. If it weren't for them, I might be - god forbid - normal (make that dull!). And well-rested (if I had energy, though, I'd probably want to be outside enjoying the beautiful SoCal spring, which I'm sure is one of the Deadly Sins, right? Coveting, or something?). And focused on myself and school (but when it comes down to it, self-absorbed is bad for the soul anyway).
Tell me something interesting about yourself!
Luckily enough, I have Ex-Boyfriend! And he never ceases to keep me on my toes.
My favorite thing about him is probably the way he always has a new way to draw my attention back in his direction. Even though we've been through for two months, he's continued to make himself the center of my world - something I never could've done without him and his crazy escapades in Vegas.
This week's plot has something to do with him being beat up and left for dead in a 7-11 parking lot. He called me from a payphone and told me he'd lost his cell and wallet and truck keys, and that he was bleeding like he'd been raped, and that his nose was broken.
Luckily for me, right before he called I'd resigned myself to a full night's sleep ahead - but who wants that, anyway? Getting a good rest is so boring.
So he entertained me for a while with his hysterics - which I always get a kick out of - then his mom entertained me with her pleas for me to drive to Vegas to help her out. Unfortunately for all of us, I couldn't, because I have classes and dead week and finals and job interviews and grownup things coming up - all that stuff that in the long term probably won't matter a bit. But at least these two crazy kids kept me amused all night, and most of this morning.
And he found his phone, wallet, and keys - in his pants pocket, no less - who'd have thought to look there? Which was lucky, because if he hadn't had them, I may have believed his story, and gotten depressed or something.
You know, gosh, I'm a lucky girl to have such entertaining people in my life. If it weren't for them, I might be - god forbid - normal (make that dull!). And well-rested (if I had energy, though, I'd probably want to be outside enjoying the beautiful SoCal spring, which I'm sure is one of the Deadly Sins, right? Coveting, or something?). And focused on myself and school (but when it comes down to it, self-absorbed is bad for the soul anyway).
Tell me something interesting about yourself!
Yeah, Chuck's being cute is what got me in his bed, I guess
....and he sends many thanks for the compliment because, as I have learned, him being an only child he tends to have trouble fitting his head through doorways when I try and dote on him too much.
Furthermore, I had a situation with an ex about 3 or 4 years ago that completely paralells yours...it wasn't until he finally ended up in jail with a 5 year sentence and a baby girl on the way (with another woman, mind you) that I was finally able to shake him. Sure was good for the blood pressure, I'll tell you that!
For you, though, missy, I send you love from the east coast and internet/sg pals hugs and kisses....the coolest would be us hanging with some of your rowdier classmates by a bonfire cursing our exes' wretched souls!!!!

Ah. I think you should go outside and enjoy that lovely SoCal spring. Definitely!