Travel or not?
i'm quite happy bout my life in A'dam right now. Is like when in My name is Earl, earl is in coma and imagined an alternative life. It's incredible how a country or a language can change your life and your points of view so much. U can just press the botton Quit ITALIAN and select Start ENGLISH or DUTCH or whatever! I'm not saying that i'm better but i'm different. U can say that is a mask, that so i'm fake but it's not like this. It's just the common rules of a language, the culture of a country and the people that u meet that stimulate maybe feelings and thinking that u already have inside u but that u didn't discover yet.
Anyway... i decided to find a warm and nice Studio for me and my babies before this cold dutch winter arrives again. I would like to be an animal that goes in letharghy at the moment.I just only have to go sleep and wake up only when outside is sunny. I don't get who said the we are better and smarter than the animals. OHHH, fuck off !my 3 kittens enjoyed the summer and i'm sure they will do the same in the winter time. They just only will stay home on a warm bed, eat even more than now, be cuddle all day long...if i think bout me last winter i can only remember stress , cold and a bit of depression. THAT's IT!
The biggest danger right now is that my roomate is a traveller and is 2 years that he doesn't know what the winter is. He's now planning to spent couple of months in India again and then maybe Mexico or (if they accept him) he will go for a month on a boat around the Atlantic Ocean that stops in too many different wild places. He think that i'm a traveller as well but i don't know it yet...
Actually was one of my biggest dream since when i was a child but now i have other dreams that i don't wanna blow in the wind. In november or december i'm quite sure i'll take 2 weeks for go on holiday in a warm place somewhere else..I DESERVE IT! so...if u guys wanna advice me a nice trip to do i'll be really happy and more sure of my choice!
P.s I almost forget....I can't really wait to heard what u guys will think bout the NEW SET that will comin out on the 26 of september.It's really different from the 1st one so i really need your advices for go further and imagine new location costume and everything!
i'm quite happy bout my life in A'dam right now. Is like when in My name is Earl, earl is in coma and imagined an alternative life. It's incredible how a country or a language can change your life and your points of view so much. U can just press the botton Quit ITALIAN and select Start ENGLISH or DUTCH or whatever! I'm not saying that i'm better but i'm different. U can say that is a mask, that so i'm fake but it's not like this. It's just the common rules of a language, the culture of a country and the people that u meet that stimulate maybe feelings and thinking that u already have inside u but that u didn't discover yet.
Anyway... i decided to find a warm and nice Studio for me and my babies before this cold dutch winter arrives again. I would like to be an animal that goes in letharghy at the moment.I just only have to go sleep and wake up only when outside is sunny. I don't get who said the we are better and smarter than the animals. OHHH, fuck off !my 3 kittens enjoyed the summer and i'm sure they will do the same in the winter time. They just only will stay home on a warm bed, eat even more than now, be cuddle all day long...if i think bout me last winter i can only remember stress , cold and a bit of depression. THAT's IT!
The biggest danger right now is that my roomate is a traveller and is 2 years that he doesn't know what the winter is. He's now planning to spent couple of months in India again and then maybe Mexico or (if they accept him) he will go for a month on a boat around the Atlantic Ocean that stops in too many different wild places. He think that i'm a traveller as well but i don't know it yet...
Actually was one of my biggest dream since when i was a child but now i have other dreams that i don't wanna blow in the wind. In november or december i'm quite sure i'll take 2 weeks for go on holiday in a warm place somewhere else..I DESERVE IT! so...if u guys wanna advice me a nice trip to do i'll be really happy and more sure of my choice!
P.s I almost forget....I can't really wait to heard what u guys will think bout the NEW SET that will comin out on the 26 of september.It's really different from the 1st one so i really need your advices for go further and imagine new location costume and everything!
Complimenti al tuo coinquilino.. ho amici che sono stati sia in India che in Mexico e hanno detto che da entrambe le parti strepitoso... spero che anche tu riesca a fare un bel viaggetto appena possibile!
Come va con la danza???
Ah si, non vedo l'ora di vedere questo strabiliante set!!
Un abbraccio