i cannot believe i spent the majority of the day watching some PBR (Professional Bull Riders) event and NASCAR. i mean, i didn't really have a choice as far as what was selected for television viewing, but still... i actually sat there and watched it and was mildy fascinated. have you watched any of this bull riding stuff??? i of course cheer for the bull because i have to sympathize with anything that is forced to have it's balls cinched for sport; those guys that ride have it coming. plus anyone who gets bashed in the head with a horn and nearly gored then procedes to get back on and try again... this is Darwinism at work. As far as NASCAR, well, we tuned in just before the road "blew up" and therefore didn't watch much of that. i actually like me some NASCAR every once in a while. i usually only watch it with my dad. it's a bonding thing and he has such a good time watching that i actually have a good time too.
how was the weekend kids??? any sassy stories to tell?
how was the weekend kids??? any sassy stories to tell?
Love the new profile picture!
I slept in my car a little while saturday night/morning and woke myself up at 3 a.m. ish drooling on myself. gross huh
But I do/watch stuff all the time just to happy-up the rents. A noble purpose. My mom just freaks out whenever I agree to go to church with her. But thats not much of a sacrifice considering I NEVER go home. Usually xmas, so church comes up.
No sass to pass. Pretty dull weekend. But dull was good.