i went to see BRMC last night at the rave. now i have to admit something... i liked what i had heard from them and i knew they were good musicians but i didn't love love it, yknow? plus, it seems i'm surrounded by people who write them off as jesus mary chain wannabes and don't give them much credit creatively. however, dispite being told not to waste my time by these old-school indie rockers i decided to see them in real life last night. don't even ask me what the first three songs were because i was just standing there hypnotized by their stage presence at the beginning; they have this very sensual vibe going on, especially on the slow songs... at times i found myself quite turned on by the music. the people ahead of me must have felt the same way; i was expecting them to break into a group orgy at any minute the way they were all touching each other. they ended the show with Salvation which i thought appropriate being Easter sunday and all; the band was like, "i don't know who in their right minds would play a gig on easter sunday, but here we are we just wanted to play... no disrespect to the dead." such charming boys
My dog is 15 years old. The vets are still suprised that she's still around. It's like she's at that stage where she could go any day now for any reason. I just wish my mom would wait for natural causes instead of just saying... "ok, your time's up."
stage presence is everything.