i'm off from work today... na-na-boo-boo to all of you who are punching the clock (i can be a real dick sometimes)
i made a half-assed attempt at watching Russian Ark last night. this is not the kind of movie you can even begin to try watching if you are remotely tired. it's all filmed in one take and it's not that it's boring... i need to give it another go today. i'll let ya know.
haven't cracked that before noon beer yet like i promised i would... but there's still time. keep your fingers crossed
i made a half-assed attempt at watching Russian Ark last night. this is not the kind of movie you can even begin to try watching if you are remotely tired. it's all filmed in one take and it's not that it's boring... i need to give it another go today. i'll let ya know.
haven't cracked that before noon beer yet like i promised i would... but there's still time. keep your fingers crossed

Take care and I'll talk to you later and yah for days off!
So did you have those morning suds that you were threatening? I was told that there's a chance of snow for Madison...I should be going home AM tomorrow! I'll be having a sale soon so if you need a dryer or an area rug or a dining room table that seats like 12, lemme know.
I'll see what my weekends are like to arrange a trek to the Palomino...