rock n roll. i can see the weekend coming into view and i've got two weeks worth of steam to let off. i'm going to go to the local rock shows, buy music, mess around with my cam... oh, yeah, and drink beers. i think i'll even cross the line and indulge myself in one of those oh-so-wrong before noon beers while i'm at it... i like a good beer buzz early in the mornin (from one of the few sheryl crow songs i like). oh, and i need to get a new pair of jeans, black ones (cuz they're coolest of course -- and i'm all about being cool. hahahahaha)... mine seem to be a little too big these days. i have no idea how that happened.

Ain't nuthin wrong with those before noon beers. Somedays it's a necessity. So, get out and cut loose this weekend... hell, start now. You have a lot of time to make up.

You're a fashion nihilist so you decided to go nude on us, eh? No way in hell I'm going to argue with that. Yoga lovin' and beer lovin' girl...postmodern. How yummy can one get.
(kvell...kvell... that's my shiva8!)