ok so whats been going on in my life. well total tattoo came out which has me in it. yey. the photo was taken at the cardiff convention. im not feeling it too much but i am really happy they picked the photos so its all good.
ok so next thing i have started to design my next tattoo and it looks like its gona be a big one. i collected all my favourite images, fliers and tattoo mags and started to desgin it.
the first picture is what i want on my stomache/pelvis area.
ive tried to add the other pic but it wont let me hmmmmm.
il try again in a bit
but thats it really nothing too exciting i have to admit. lol

ok so next thing i have started to design my next tattoo and it looks like its gona be a big one. i collected all my favourite images, fliers and tattoo mags and started to desgin it.
the first picture is what i want on my stomache/pelvis area.

ive tried to add the other pic but it wont let me hmmmmm.
il try again in a bit
but thats it really nothing too exciting i have to admit. lol
...and I so love the eyelashes on your design, totaly knocked out by how you've made a skull look so cute