It is a sad sad day. I sold my drums. After thousands of hours or great music, after countless nights of drumming my heart out in a tiny westside studio and a rain forest of broken sticks, I loaded the kit into a strangers car.
It's not like I can drag them all over the world. When the guy's drum teacher called me on the phone, I got the feeling I was selling to a cool young drummer buying his first kit. By the time I had spent a day romanticizing that to make the whole affair seem less shitty, I found out he was not the bright eyed little tyke I was hoping for. No. He was a rich film producer who wanted the drums for his Karaoke night.
Ack. He's going to get Karaoke all over my drums. I bought an ostentatious and ridiculously fast motorcycle with the help of Karaoke man's money, so I suppose it's all square, but still.....