I hate searching for a job... I can't find anything I'm qualified to do, and I start getting more discouraged...
...or if I do find one, and I click to Apply for it, I get a "We're sorry, this job has been filled" screen.
I *really* hope my car's brakes can be fixed cheaply... but I doubt it.
I need a woman that will drive me crazy. Sometimes I feel like all I have to offer a woman is genetic material, and they can get that in far more esthetically and financially appealing packages. Younger, too.
...or if I do find one, and I click to Apply for it, I get a "We're sorry, this job has been filled" screen.
I *really* hope my car's brakes can be fixed cheaply... but I doubt it.
I need a woman that will drive me crazy. Sometimes I feel like all I have to offer a woman is genetic material, and they can get that in far more esthetically and financially appealing packages. Younger, too.

heheh thanks. how are ya?