still no car... very aggrevating. ive been stuck in the house for the most part. been cleaning. going to work, thats about it. gone out every once in a while. nothing new to report. i found a silverfish in my bottom dresser drawer last night. freaked me the fuck out and then ran away. it came out again this morning and i was fast enough to squish it. i dont even know what they look like. they are so damn fast they are like a blur and looking a picture of one online would probably make me throw up. ive been having crazy stressy dreams. such as the one i posted about before. ok you know what, im gonna end this now cuz its just ramble, no point.
force unleashed demo rules. strong bad video game is mehhhhhhhhh.
force unleashed demo rules. strong bad video game is mehhhhhhhhh.
thanks for the solid advice!

ha. you should have just walked up and asked me where the frozen peas were, or something. yes, i was there 7-2:30, so it was probably me. there's another long-haired blonde who works there, but she's kind of a bimbo, so hopefully you didn't think that was me!