2 days till god of war 2 and the new type o negative album! excitement ensues. i spent the day at ikea, that place has many grand things, but also alot of rip-offs. i went to bennigans for dinner, they insulted my brothers fiance and i almost had to throw down till the manager came over. i think the dude got fired... i hope. fuckin idiots. yesterday went to harpoon brewery st pats day beerfest. got real drunk and had to wait in line for the porta-potties for like 45 minutes. it sucked. then went to unos in harvard square... i was so drunk i couldnt really eat and i thought it would be a good idea to find my own way back to my friends house. i took the wrong bus and had to walk about 3 miles. i then proceeded to drive home (40 minute drive). ugggg im dumb. friday night i went to on the border then we barely made it to 300. we had to sit in the front row and i got a massive headache. the movie was really good but frankly not up to the par of the hype. wow i guess this wasnt a very good weekend now that i look back on it. ok no more complainin for me. later peoples.
ok have a good night
It's a Dodge Caliber and it's a fun lil car.