fri night i ended up at a bar in waltham for a birthday party. we were all adults and whatnot. we got beer at the bar and then went and sat down with the rest of the group, who we didnt know had a table already. more people came and did this in our party. eventually the waiter flipped out on us and screamed in front of the whole bar for us to get the fuck out now. we almost threw down. we went down the street to a much better bar and drank much and listened to 70s rock cover songs haha.
sat i went to a halloween party which had a slow turn-out. we ended up doing our guitar hero tournament and i won. i also got to play guitar hero 2 at best buy earlier in the night which was fun. the guy who was having the party was smashed and got pissed that not many people came and that he spent so much money so that was a downer. at the end of the night my friend scotts girlfriend was leaving (she doesnt drink) and his brother (the guy whos party it was) mentioned to her that she should drink more, she got pissed and left. this morning we woke up and scott called her and she almost broke up with him cuz his brother and sister dont respect her. bah she is way too dramatic. i fell asleep that night watching an american haunting with a beer in my hand. i always seem to do that. this morning we woke up and went to dunks and then off the the mall to hang out and we saw saw 3 which i personally think sucked ass. i didnt like the first one, skipped the second one. they are predicatable and they have the m night endings where there always has to be some dumb twist... which makes it so you can only really watch the movie once because it is ruined after. plus the fact that i like gore but i dont like surgery gore and i started having a panic attack in the theater... it sucked to say the least.
more pressing issues are the dreams i had last night. i was playing with scotts cat alot this weekend and i guess it made me miss my cat who passed away earlier this year. i dreamt that he got out of the house and another family found him and took him in. but i didnt know this till one day he was in my yard and i scooped him up. in my sleeping mind it appeared that he actually never died (even though i buried him) he simply got taken away for a while. and i was so happy and i was taking him everywhere and i missed him so much. i do miss him so much, he was my baby pretty much. i sad today.
my brother is still in the hospital and its depressing the shit out of me. i dont really feel like leaving the house most of the time and i have been smoking alot of cigs and eating a shit load cuz im all blah. when he was home i was excercising and drinking only water and feeling good. now i feel like a blob of shit, and it sucks. i cant seem to get myself out of the rut. when i do hang out with people i seem normal. i guess i am what you could call a good actor, or maybe its because i like distractions alot and i can displace things to the back of my mind easily... which isnt good when you repress things because eventually they just come back full force at once and i end up having a mental break down. i usually have 1 major one a year and i havent had it yet. i am just waiting.
on a lighter note im pissed off because i accidently saw the secret track list for the 20 unnamed songs on guitar hero 2. and i played guitar hero 2 in the store and it didnt seem as good as the first one. i only played like the first 5 songs though. i really hope they get better.
ok im done with my rambling. whos gonna be in salem on tuesday? and boston (and surrounding area crew) we need to get another get together going. a good one! lets get some ideas rolling.
picture time.
brother acting like a goob.
me cleansing myself before entering a temple.
japanese dollar menu (100 yen = 1 dollar roughly)
sat i went to a halloween party which had a slow turn-out. we ended up doing our guitar hero tournament and i won. i also got to play guitar hero 2 at best buy earlier in the night which was fun. the guy who was having the party was smashed and got pissed that not many people came and that he spent so much money so that was a downer. at the end of the night my friend scotts girlfriend was leaving (she doesnt drink) and his brother (the guy whos party it was) mentioned to her that she should drink more, she got pissed and left. this morning we woke up and scott called her and she almost broke up with him cuz his brother and sister dont respect her. bah she is way too dramatic. i fell asleep that night watching an american haunting with a beer in my hand. i always seem to do that. this morning we woke up and went to dunks and then off the the mall to hang out and we saw saw 3 which i personally think sucked ass. i didnt like the first one, skipped the second one. they are predicatable and they have the m night endings where there always has to be some dumb twist... which makes it so you can only really watch the movie once because it is ruined after. plus the fact that i like gore but i dont like surgery gore and i started having a panic attack in the theater... it sucked to say the least.
more pressing issues are the dreams i had last night. i was playing with scotts cat alot this weekend and i guess it made me miss my cat who passed away earlier this year. i dreamt that he got out of the house and another family found him and took him in. but i didnt know this till one day he was in my yard and i scooped him up. in my sleeping mind it appeared that he actually never died (even though i buried him) he simply got taken away for a while. and i was so happy and i was taking him everywhere and i missed him so much. i do miss him so much, he was my baby pretty much. i sad today.
my brother is still in the hospital and its depressing the shit out of me. i dont really feel like leaving the house most of the time and i have been smoking alot of cigs and eating a shit load cuz im all blah. when he was home i was excercising and drinking only water and feeling good. now i feel like a blob of shit, and it sucks. i cant seem to get myself out of the rut. when i do hang out with people i seem normal. i guess i am what you could call a good actor, or maybe its because i like distractions alot and i can displace things to the back of my mind easily... which isnt good when you repress things because eventually they just come back full force at once and i end up having a mental break down. i usually have 1 major one a year and i havent had it yet. i am just waiting.
on a lighter note im pissed off because i accidently saw the secret track list for the 20 unnamed songs on guitar hero 2. and i played guitar hero 2 in the store and it didnt seem as good as the first one. i only played like the first 5 songs though. i really hope they get better.
ok im done with my rambling. whos gonna be in salem on tuesday? and boston (and surrounding area crew) we need to get another get together going. a good one! lets get some ideas rolling.
picture time.
brother acting like a goob.

me cleansing myself before entering a temple.

japanese dollar menu (100 yen = 1 dollar roughly)

i think i still have some in storage somewhere. do you still have that pic i did of you rocking out your guitar?
that was one of the best things i ever drew