nothing real big to mention tonight, i just have a couple free minutes. today i was trying to find out what im up to this weekend but it seems like everyone is dropping the ball on if they are hangin out or not, so as far as i know i have no plans, just propositions. which sux cuz i have the whole weekend off. any takers?
i watched bench warmers tonight. it wasnt great but it had some funny moments and it was charming. i also got into a psuedo fight with my sick bro and his fiance tonight. i have to constantly disinfect myself and everything around me, and so does everyone else in my family. we cannot double dip in foods or drink from things such as milk cartons. and i am his brother aka his blood. yet, its ok for his fiance to double dip with him in things such as ice cream (thats what set me off today), and engaged in kissing and sex im assuming. call me crazy but i think there are more diseases in the mouth and vagina than there are on my sterilized hands. so when i saw them double dipping the ice cream tonight i called them out on it and she got pissed and ran off, im glad that i spoke up. my mom is going to talk to the doctor to find out exactly what those two can do. his fiance says that they are allowed to kiss and whatnot, but i dont really believe it judging on her action of running from me early. bah o well.
time to go watch this show called " a haunting" on discovery channel or something about true ghost stories. some girl cant talk or walk and she can see ghosts and she laughs at them!
my brother under a cherry blossom.
i watched bench warmers tonight. it wasnt great but it had some funny moments and it was charming. i also got into a psuedo fight with my sick bro and his fiance tonight. i have to constantly disinfect myself and everything around me, and so does everyone else in my family. we cannot double dip in foods or drink from things such as milk cartons. and i am his brother aka his blood. yet, its ok for his fiance to double dip with him in things such as ice cream (thats what set me off today), and engaged in kissing and sex im assuming. call me crazy but i think there are more diseases in the mouth and vagina than there are on my sterilized hands. so when i saw them double dipping the ice cream tonight i called them out on it and she got pissed and ran off, im glad that i spoke up. my mom is going to talk to the doctor to find out exactly what those two can do. his fiance says that they are allowed to kiss and whatnot, but i dont really believe it judging on her action of running from me early. bah o well.
time to go watch this show called " a haunting" on discovery channel or something about true ghost stories. some girl cant talk or walk and she can see ghosts and she laughs at them!
my brother under a cherry blossom.
and they make...dun dun dun....blueberry ale!