So, now we are sitting here, waiting for the smoke. I actually find it quite exiting, since it is the first time I have the opportunity to be smoke spotting.
I am not a Catholic, I'm a Lutheran, but I still find it very interesting.
We Luterans hope for a Pope that will be a real Pontiff (Pontiff = bridge builder). As you may know, we Lutherans were kicked out of the Catholic Church 500 yrs ago for being bad girls and boys. Well actually we protested against the corruption within the Church (hence the term protestants). That was not very popular, so they kicked us out. We never intended to create a new church, or indeed break out, we just wanted reforms (hence the reformation).
Now the Catholic Church has reformed to such a degree that many of us Lutherans want back in, and indeed there is only two points that seperate us:
1. The power of the Pope - we Lutherans think the Pope has too much power. More spesificly the Popes power to speak Ex Cathedra. When the Pope does that, nobody can gainsay him. This has only happened twice so it is not really a big problem. More a matter of principle.
The big problem is:
2. The matter of the eucarist - We Lutherans belive in consubstansialism: When the priest says the words the bread and wine becomes the flesh and blood of Jesus, while at the same time remaining bread and wine.
The Catholics belive in transsubstantialism: When the priest says the words the bread and wine becomes the flesh and blood of Jesus, and only looks like bread and wine.
Now, with such a redicolously small difference it beats me why we haven't reunited long time ago. True, there are other differences aswell, but these are of no theological importance.
So I hope for a Pope who will be a true Pontiff, a true bridge builder, so that the Catholic and the Lutheran Churches may reunite.
If we do, we will be a Church of 2 billion people.
That would be really nice.
So I am spending my day smokespotting.
I am not a Catholic, I'm a Lutheran, but I still find it very interesting.
We Luterans hope for a Pope that will be a real Pontiff (Pontiff = bridge builder). As you may know, we Lutherans were kicked out of the Catholic Church 500 yrs ago for being bad girls and boys. Well actually we protested against the corruption within the Church (hence the term protestants). That was not very popular, so they kicked us out. We never intended to create a new church, or indeed break out, we just wanted reforms (hence the reformation).
Now the Catholic Church has reformed to such a degree that many of us Lutherans want back in, and indeed there is only two points that seperate us:
1. The power of the Pope - we Lutherans think the Pope has too much power. More spesificly the Popes power to speak Ex Cathedra. When the Pope does that, nobody can gainsay him. This has only happened twice so it is not really a big problem. More a matter of principle.
The big problem is:
2. The matter of the eucarist - We Lutherans belive in consubstansialism: When the priest says the words the bread and wine becomes the flesh and blood of Jesus, while at the same time remaining bread and wine.
The Catholics belive in transsubstantialism: When the priest says the words the bread and wine becomes the flesh and blood of Jesus, and only looks like bread and wine.
Now, with such a redicolously small difference it beats me why we haven't reunited long time ago. True, there are other differences aswell, but these are of no theological importance.
So I hope for a Pope who will be a true Pontiff, a true bridge builder, so that the Catholic and the Lutheran Churches may reunite.
If we do, we will be a Church of 2 billion people.
That would be really nice.
So I am spending my day smokespotting.