I just got done watching 30 days of night and it was pretty fucking badass.
This is the start of my book. Of course it needs a lot of cleaning up and expanding but its just a taste of it. Its going to be intensely crazy whenever I can finish it.
You could hear the crickets chirping in the grass. Silently barely moving a leaf a figure moved through the near total blackness of the hill. It came to a position near a tree and hunkered down so just the shoulders and head were visible in a lighter shade of black in the depth of night.
He looked down. A breeze moved through the high grass and almost gave him a chill reminding him of his childhood when he'd go out far too late at night by sneaking out of his house. Breaking from the sudden and quick memory, he focused his attention to the semi-automatic rifle he was holding.
In his hands he held what the "modern" world would be awed by. Completely silent. He had designed it himself from a superiorly rare metal only found on a few planets in the entire universe, most of which were highly uninhabitable or inhabited by vicious animals or people or something far worse. He had developed a rubbery allow of metal that would be melted and injected into the joints and metal to metal contact areas of the weapon. This alloy would cool and absorb the impacts and rattling commonly found with most ballistic weapons. This was a smart weapon. For it to be activated, slits in the armor on his hands would open to reveal his finger tips so that he could apply them to the proper identification points on the grip of the gun. Without those the machine wouldn't work. It was supremely light. The metal used was almost not metal at all. Extremely strong but very light and very easy to apply paints or matte finishes to it to give its own personality. The army he had formed all carried matte colored arms. They blended in and did not reflect light. Personal guns for show were sometimes elaborately painted.
He checked the clip. Inside was one of the most damaging and deceptive bullets ever created. He had the technology to make something more flashy so to speak. Lasers and such but opted to go with old fashioned bullets, less attention drawn he had assumed. The bullets themselves were also made out the same material as the gun but there was something very special to them. Upon impact, the tip of the bullet would push in slightly onto a trigger that would release a chemical that would completely disintegrate the bullet in a matter of seconds. He wanted no evidence left at the war zones. He wanted no person picking them up, examining them, and trying to find the source of his war machine's power. The cartridge holding the bullet was translucent and contained the active substance where gun powder was replaced. The new substance was highly volatile liquid that when the hammer hit the firing pin all hell would break loose in the chamber. It hurl bullets beyond the speed of sound depending on how much of the substance was used but for most war applications, that wasn't necessary. Further breaking the sound barrier would give the enemy something to certainly look at, and it might be something he didn't want them looking at that time. The cartridge also would actively disintegrate upon impact with the surface of the ground. It could tell the difference because the trigger was time activated, starting itself as soon as the hammer made contact.
He panned his head from side to side. His internal readouts on the screen in his visor would highlight his military companions. They were spaced out roughly ten to twenty feet apart, all hunkered down waiting diligently to hear the order to strike. He looked across the land and through their objective one of the most distinguished military bases in one of the most powerful countries at the time and could see his comrades on the opposite side doing the same.
He turned his attention to the base. It was sprawling. Over one hundred and fifty thousand troops were here at any given time, and a very important general was on his way here in the next few days. He and one hundred and forty nine thousand of the soldiers plus any entourage that the general brought with him were all their targets.
His primary goal was shock and awe. Leave one survivor to the horror that would be warfare with his army let them tell the story to their superiors and hope that the country would back down and not wish for any more bloodshed.
He truly didn't want to kill this many people but given the history of the country, it seemed he would have to take drastic measures to get his point across. Being diplomatic just hadn't worked. He had insisted that everything would stay the same that in no way would he interfere with the major workings of the countries government, only the sectors that had to do with human welfare, sciences, mathematics, astronomy and medicine. All of which he had very dynamic and indeed light years in advance of the technologies currently being used. Part of his primary mission was to advance the civilization well over hundreds of thousands of years in the matter of twenty, a near impossible task but absolutely necessary to the survival of his fellow countrymen.
I hope ya dig it.
Hit me up sometime, things are going excellent as they should!
This is the start of my book. Of course it needs a lot of cleaning up and expanding but its just a taste of it. Its going to be intensely crazy whenever I can finish it.
You could hear the crickets chirping in the grass. Silently barely moving a leaf a figure moved through the near total blackness of the hill. It came to a position near a tree and hunkered down so just the shoulders and head were visible in a lighter shade of black in the depth of night.
He looked down. A breeze moved through the high grass and almost gave him a chill reminding him of his childhood when he'd go out far too late at night by sneaking out of his house. Breaking from the sudden and quick memory, he focused his attention to the semi-automatic rifle he was holding.
In his hands he held what the "modern" world would be awed by. Completely silent. He had designed it himself from a superiorly rare metal only found on a few planets in the entire universe, most of which were highly uninhabitable or inhabited by vicious animals or people or something far worse. He had developed a rubbery allow of metal that would be melted and injected into the joints and metal to metal contact areas of the weapon. This alloy would cool and absorb the impacts and rattling commonly found with most ballistic weapons. This was a smart weapon. For it to be activated, slits in the armor on his hands would open to reveal his finger tips so that he could apply them to the proper identification points on the grip of the gun. Without those the machine wouldn't work. It was supremely light. The metal used was almost not metal at all. Extremely strong but very light and very easy to apply paints or matte finishes to it to give its own personality. The army he had formed all carried matte colored arms. They blended in and did not reflect light. Personal guns for show were sometimes elaborately painted.
He checked the clip. Inside was one of the most damaging and deceptive bullets ever created. He had the technology to make something more flashy so to speak. Lasers and such but opted to go with old fashioned bullets, less attention drawn he had assumed. The bullets themselves were also made out the same material as the gun but there was something very special to them. Upon impact, the tip of the bullet would push in slightly onto a trigger that would release a chemical that would completely disintegrate the bullet in a matter of seconds. He wanted no evidence left at the war zones. He wanted no person picking them up, examining them, and trying to find the source of his war machine's power. The cartridge holding the bullet was translucent and contained the active substance where gun powder was replaced. The new substance was highly volatile liquid that when the hammer hit the firing pin all hell would break loose in the chamber. It hurl bullets beyond the speed of sound depending on how much of the substance was used but for most war applications, that wasn't necessary. Further breaking the sound barrier would give the enemy something to certainly look at, and it might be something he didn't want them looking at that time. The cartridge also would actively disintegrate upon impact with the surface of the ground. It could tell the difference because the trigger was time activated, starting itself as soon as the hammer made contact.
He panned his head from side to side. His internal readouts on the screen in his visor would highlight his military companions. They were spaced out roughly ten to twenty feet apart, all hunkered down waiting diligently to hear the order to strike. He looked across the land and through their objective one of the most distinguished military bases in one of the most powerful countries at the time and could see his comrades on the opposite side doing the same.
He turned his attention to the base. It was sprawling. Over one hundred and fifty thousand troops were here at any given time, and a very important general was on his way here in the next few days. He and one hundred and forty nine thousand of the soldiers plus any entourage that the general brought with him were all their targets.
His primary goal was shock and awe. Leave one survivor to the horror that would be warfare with his army let them tell the story to their superiors and hope that the country would back down and not wish for any more bloodshed.
He truly didn't want to kill this many people but given the history of the country, it seemed he would have to take drastic measures to get his point across. Being diplomatic just hadn't worked. He had insisted that everything would stay the same that in no way would he interfere with the major workings of the countries government, only the sectors that had to do with human welfare, sciences, mathematics, astronomy and medicine. All of which he had very dynamic and indeed light years in advance of the technologies currently being used. Part of his primary mission was to advance the civilization well over hundreds of thousands of years in the matter of twenty, a near impossible task but absolutely necessary to the survival of his fellow countrymen.
I hope ya dig it.
Hit me up sometime, things are going excellent as they should!